There is precious little written on the Angel Asteroid. With apologies before I start, I will take a stab. Asteroids which are topical such as Wisdom and Angel, can be looked at by exploring what we know about the topic…
The Twelve Houses–House Two
House Two is the House of everything that gives one substance in the material world. Picture a man. Think about his essential needs. He needs food, housing and money in the bank. The second house is the most practical of…
The Twelve Houses—-House One
Before one can understand House Rulers, one must have an understanding of the houses, in general. Astrology is unique, in that it is an art and a science.One must understand the science before the art comes in. To that end,…
Dejanira conjunct the Moon or the Child Asteroid
When I see Deja conjunct the Moon or the Child Asteroid, I see BPD or someone who came close. I see a fractured self. At best,it is a person holding herself together with safety pins. Deja conjunct the Moon seems…
Venus in Gemini in a Female
Venus in Gemini is the girl men love to hate. She is akin to Mars in Scorpio, in a male. Both are legendary placements to those in the Astrological know. Venus in Gemini is delightful.She does not attract by force,…
House Rulers –Part Three
We are going to review. It is easy to find the chart ruler. You can see in which house it resides. The affairs of this house are of paramount importance to the native. At this point, you need to study…
House Rulers– Part Two
In our mythical chart, we have a Scorpio ASC with Pluto in the 10th house. This person will care about his place in society, as I said. Don’t try to get him to hurt his reputation, as he would rather…
House Rulers— Part One
If one wants to do House Rulers, one should use equal houses. That way, each house has a sign on the cusp. There are 4 angles on the chart, the Ascendant, Descendant, IC, and MC. These are very sensitive personal…
Virgo Sun
Virgo is mutable earth. Mercury co-rules Gemini and Virgo. Mercury fits for Gemini, but not Virgo, in my opinion. That means that Virgo’s ruler is yet to be discovered. I think it may be Chiron. Hold the tomatoes. One is…
Aries Venus— Does it Reverse Male and Female Roles?
Paula Abdul’s song “Crazy Cool” reminds me of a male Venus in Aries I knew. Granted it was in the 12th house, but he took demure to a new level. The male Venus in Aries may be as retiring as…