I met a charming Moon in Cancer, yesterday, who joined my FB family. He liked my article on Venus in Scorpio, as it was his Venus. He wanted to learn about his Mars, so here it is. Mars in Scorpio…
Do I Go To Church?
This is my Church: Listen to Stevie Wonders song—Heaven is 10 Zillion Light Years Away
Are We “Just Friends”?
Everyone has asked this.The charts could save one a lot of pain and heartache. How does he feel about you, you ask? Check the charts. The chart will show you, if it is to be friends. Truth be told, there…
Is this a Fling?
As an astrologer, this is one of the questions I get. The chart shows all. It can, even, show one person wanting more than friendship and the other wanting, friendship. However, in the majority of cases, a chart is clear…
Asteroid Ubasti
Ubasti(asteroid number 4257) was a Feline Goddess in the Ancient Egyptian religion. She had several roles, similar to the cat with nine lives. She was a protector to Egyptian royalty. She was a judge and she was a nurturer. Her…
Unaspected Mercury
I will, humbly, take a stab at the Unaspected Mercury. I have talked to several people who have one.It is hard for me to conceptualize, as God has given me an easy Mercury, which is exalted in Gemini and has…
Find Your Asteroids—Find Yourself
Astrology is like a living, breathing entity. How this can be,? I don’t know. I believe Astrology is a gift from God, as is music, for example. At any rate, Astrology seems to offer up the answers to your deepest…
The Radiant Ana Bret
I discovered Ana Bret when I bought a variety of Kundalini Yoga DVD’s. I have ONE from most of the teachers, but ALL of Ana’s. Ana teaches in an easy to understand manner. I trusted my first back bend to…
Find a Prosperina if You Need to Take a Trip INTO the Darkness( or OUT)
Proserpina was abducted as she was picking wildflowers in a field, on a sunny day. She was take by Pluto to the underworld. He raped her, but he loved her, too. Her mother, Ceres, walked the earth, looking for her.…
Venus in Virgo in a Man’s Chart
Ever heard of the phrase” he wants the perfect woman”? That was made for the Venus in Virgo man. Handle yourself as the quintessential lady. Drop coarse behavior. That includes your manner of dress. Save the black silk for more…