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Finding the You of You and Letting it Out

girl bathtubI write this because of developments in my own life. I have made peace with my father and mother. I see that it all comes down to the me of me and letting it out. Easier said than done, I am sure, but it is my goal, beyond all goals. One has little if one has wealth, fame or anything the world can give. One has it all if one has a connection with oneself and a connection with God.

The connection with God comes first. We were created to have a relationship with God. We will seek all the world has to offer until it leaves us empty and we turn to God. Only then, will be be filled. Only then, will we arrive home. Home is where we all want to be. It is an elusive place that we would plumb heaven and earth to find. It is our home with God. Nothing else will satisfy.


I will be back

2 thoughts on “Finding the You of You and Letting it Out

  1. amiannPadre31

    Very difficult Mon Cher, esp for women who form tight tight bonds with parents

    Have to be careful though as then the ledger moves to a sort of negation of Family in favor of God..even w/what God had to say about it. Suspect it is more about keeping yourself, not giving yourself away. That is what Churchians would tell you to do..they are a bit mistaken in that advice

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