This one reminds me of something very specific but I won’t tell you until you tell me yours 😀
Behind the Glamor of Being a Sociopath
There is a glamor to being a sociopath. Should there be? I suppose not but human beings are not how they should be. Are they? I think every woman is attracted to the sexy vampire. Some won’t admit it. Denial…
Ink Blot Time ( Can’t Touch That)
What Do You Think? I have a weird answer but I will save it for last 😀
Do You Want To Die Laughing?
Inkblot Two—–What Say You?
What do you see? This is an interesting one 😀
Deep Dark Secrets—What Does This Inkblot Mean To You?
Let’s leave behind Asteroids for a bit and explore the recesses of our brain. What do you see in this ink blot?
Nessus conjunct the Sun in Synastry
I write about what I know. I don’t write about it until I have a feel for it, both in doing chart and in my own chart, usually.I started having a special interest in Nessus from a Nessus/Deja relationship. Nessus…
Pick One–Your Main Principle to Live By
1. ACCEPTANCE There’s this thing called The Serenity Prayer which goes something like this: God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the…
Biblea and Ami’s Book Club–Join In!
The first book is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Biblia and I are reading it now, but I can keep this bumped up for all who want to read it and discuss it. It is one of the best books…
How Are You Feeling Right Now ? Very, Very Accurate!
Quickly decide what creative square resonates with you the most. Read below for the answer to the fortune square you have chosen. Please feel free to SHARE with your friends!1 – It is time for you to conquer your fears.…