Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Baby—– What is Your Sign? A Quick Guide to The Pick Up

You see that cute guy across the room. You want to talk to him so badly, but how do you start. Light bulb moment: Astrology. You meander over and say,”You look like a _______(fill in the Sun sign). This will get the conversation rolling. If you know Astrology, you will be popular wherever you go. You don’t have to be a whiz, either. I will give you enough info to pick up the guy of your dreams. The rest is up to you.

Aries–He may be loud and causing a raucous. He may be bold and telling people his opinion: unwanted and unsolicited. He may be a hairy fellow. He may have red hair. He may have just been beaten up by someone. Go bring him a wet washcloth for his bruised head, and ask him if he is an Aries.

Taurus–He may look like a bull. He loves all creature comforts including good food. He likes meat and potatoes more than exotic fare. He loves sweets. He may be dressed in a conservative way and look like a bank president. His aura screams “solid citizen”. Bring him a plate of food, piled high ( and an extra one with deserts ) Then, ask him if he is a Taurus.

Gemini–He will be talking to everyone. He will be flitting from girl to girl with a silver tongue of flattery. He may look like an actual imp, as if he is up to no good. Go up to him and tell him a wicked joke.If he explodes with peals of laughter, you can ask him if he is a Gemini.

Cancer–He may have a moon face. I mean this in the sweetest way. He may look like an actual baby doll. He likes home cooked meals and lots of tenderness. Walk up to him and ask him about his family. If he responds with appropriate gushing, you can ask him if he is a Cancer.

Leo–Leo is the easiest to spot. He looks like a lion. He loves attention. As such, he may be in the middle of any group. Actually, he holds court. He is a wonderful story teller. He may even have a mane of hair reminiscent of an actual lion. Go up to him and flatter him. Tell him he is the most amazing creature you have ever seen. If he believes you, you have found King Leo. You must walk a few steps behind him, as is fitting for royalty. You can shout from behind, “Are you a Leo?”

Virgo–The Virgo man will be dressed in an impeccable fashion. He will look as if he stepped out of a magazine or the dry cleaners. If you can’t see a speck of lint, you may have your Virgo man. Make sure you present yourself in a similar way. If your slip is showing or you have a food stain on your blouse, fix yourself. up. Then, ask in a very ladylike fashion, “Sir, are you a Virgo?”

Libra–The Libra man looks like a male model. Can we say perfection of symmetry? He looks like a picture of balance and he acts like it, too. Make sure you have your on your most considerate face. Don’t make coarse jokes or burp. In a friendly, nonthreatening way, ask if he is a Libra.

Scorpio– If he is drawing you to him like a magnet, know you are dealing with a Scorpio. Don black silk stockings and spike heels. Saunter over with wide hip action . Give him the eye and ask if he is a Scorpio.

Sagittarius–If he is tall and lean and looks like he is up for any adventure, you may have your Saggi man. He may look like he would be graceful in any sport. Picture the elegant swing of a golfer and you have your Saggi. You don’t need to fix yourself up. You can go with that food stain on your chest. You can meander over and say, “Hi, whats up?” He will be friendly. Tell him you dare him to see if you can guess his Sun Sign. He loves to gamble and will take you up on it.

Capricorn–If he has the air of a CEO and walks like he owns the place, you may have your Capricorn. He may look older and more mature than his years. If he seems like the kind who would offer you a strong shoulder on which to cry, he may be the gallant goat. If he can put chivalry ahead of eying your legs, you can ask him if he is a Cappy?

Aquarius—If he loves humanity, but does not want to hug and squeeze actual people, he may be an Aquarius. If he wants ample space from any living, breathing human while he espouses World Peace, you may have your Aquarius man. Don’t crowd him. Ask him if he wants to join you in the “Save the Whales” project. If he jumps at it, you have found your man. You can tell him about Astrology, as he loves the different and the weird.

Pisces—If he looks like he has no clue what is going on in this freaking world, you may have found your man. If he is smoking a joint, guzzling a drink or lost in creative revelry, Pisces is a clear possibility. Pisces is too sensitive for this harsh world. Go up with your sweetest expression and ask him if he wants to split this crowded party and go for a walk in the park. If he breathes a massive sigh of relief, you may have found your Pisces.




P S For those in the Astrological know, I have cheated a bit by talking about Sun Sign when the Ascendant adds greatly to the picture of the outer man. I did this to make the discussion easier to follow. The Sign of the Ascendant must be taken into consideration for appearance and mannerisms. If you know about the Ascendant, put your guy’s Ascendant in and see what you come up with!



3 thoughts on “Baby—– What is Your Sign? A Quick Guide to The Pick Up

  1. amiannBlackbird

    You can add one more:

    The Blackbird – Well-dressed but looks like he hasn’t slept in 15 years. Will be sitting in a dark corner, away from everyone, or with a nerdy-looking acquaintence. Will be speaking quietly, or not at all, picking at his food/drink/book/phone and watching people warily. You probably won’t even notice him; if you do, you won’t be interested in talking to him; if you are, ask him, “what’s your sign?” and wait for the tired, cynical laugh.

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