Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Becoming a Christian—The Most Important Day of Your Life

God does not expect Christians to believe based on nothing. God gave us reasoning powers. God wants Christians to be the most well informed people, not the least. God does not ask Christians to jettison their logic at the door. He made us in His Image. Think of this . Man is the only creature who can speak. God has a sense of humor too. This is awesome to contemplate. However, the point is that God does not want Christians to be the most foolish people on the block. God wants Christians to be the wisest people. Think of your own child. You want him to have everything.Nothing is too good for him. God loves us the same way. Christians are not perfect. They are simply forgiven. All it takes to become a Christian is a surrender of your will. What good has your will done you? I bet not much. Becoming a Christian will be the most important day of your life. What are you surrendering that is so fantastic? What are you giving up that has brought you so much joy? Is your life so happy that you don’t want to try for one that could give you the true happiness you desire?


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