Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

PTSD–Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

If you have been exposed to a lot of trauma, you may have PTSD. It is an automatic shutting down of one’s emotions as one does when one goes into shock. PTSD was given by God so the human being could go on, in the face of trauma. It is life saving but it can become a prison, when one cannot make the symptoms go away. I think of the book”The Bell Jar”.Plath likened her feelings to being locked in a bell jar. Plath received shock treatment and met the worse possible end as she killed herself. I am not diagnosing her with PTSD, just saying that the reference to the bell jar is how PTSD feels. One feels as if one is in a permanent novaciane. One feels as if one is at the bottom of the ocean, calling up to the shore, to others. However,one has so many layers to traverse that it seems hopeless.PTSD is not mentall illness ,per se. It is shock. If you have ever gone into shock at the death of a loved one or some other shocking incident, you will know what I mean. You become numb. You feel nothing. In normal people. this will fade. With PTSD, it never goes away. What is the use of identifying PTSD if there are no solutions for it. God, always, provides solutions.


I think there are many measures one can take. I will be back to explore this more.

3 thoughts on “PTSD–Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I think the doing of the healing is harder than the answer, per se. I think tears will heal it. However, the tears must be tears cried from the depths of the pain in the soul. If one has been abused. the pain is like fire. The book “Cure By Crying” by Thomas Stone is the answer, to a very large degree imho.
      I would add Alice Miller’s concept of the Enlightened Witness. With these two modalities, one could heal PTSD, in my experience. For me, I needed a personal God because I hung on to Him, for dear life. I think I have healed, to some degree, because God feels personal, like a friend. You feel very alone with PTSD, as you are locked away FROM yourself. You are disassociated from yourself. You are numb TO yourself, as well as to the world.

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