Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Saturn and Guilt

When I do charts, I help people understand themselves. In turn, I understand myself. I have some insights into Saturn and guilt.

First of all, a Retrograde Saturn will be a much guiltier person than a non Retro Saturn. Retro Saturn makes one feel as if one is not good enough. Saturn is the stern librarian with her nose looking down, glasses perched at the end, telling you that you just stuck gum under your chair. You feel just…… well…… awful…… bad….. unworthy. We all have been there but Saturn Retro lives there.

The Retro planets are an interesting phenomenon. I have several. I have mercury Retro in Gemini. This has helped me understand Retro planets in general because one is very intimate with one’s thinking process. A Retro planet makes for a deeper person in the domain of the Retro planet. If it is Mercury, one will be a deeper thinker. If it is Venus, one will go TOO deeply into the meaning of love such that one gets frozen. Venus retro is the worst Retro. If it is Neptune, one will go deep into the domain of spirituality.If it is Chiron, one will go deep into the realm of pain. With Saturn, one will go deep into one’s own unworthiness. I have Retro Mercury,Saturn, Chiron and Neptune. I, personally, cannot speak to the other Retro planets but I can assume what they would be like. I have done charts of Venus Retro and they suffer a great deal in life. I have not paid much attention to the other Retro planets as I think they are quite rare. Write to me if you have one. Tell me how you experience it.

Back to Saturn and guilt. The Retro Saturn is a much more guilt ridden person. However, this person will not be as shallow as someone to whom self esteem came easily. I will say that is one good thing about Saturn Retro. Another good thing is that one can mature and outgrow the bad feelings of low self esteem. Saturn gets better with age. That is a blessing of Saturn.

Saturn conjunct the Asc is one of the hardest places for Saturn. We wear our self doubt for all to see. Any negative planet( or asteroid) conjunct the ASC is like having a giant pimple on your face. You wish it were on your rear end or pinching your hair.Your face just does not seem fair.

Saturn conjunct the Moon takes away essential confidence from one’s very soul.One may feel as if one does not deserve to exist. Saturn conjunct the Sun may make one afraid of male authority figures.One’s father may have been too strict.Saturn conjunct Venus makes one feel one has to be perfect to be worthy of love. Saturn conjunct Mars makes one doubt one’s actions. Saturn conjunct Pluto makes one afraid to be a wild,primal tiger and settle for a pussycat( with a great deal of passive aggressive anger resulting) This is known to be a cruelty aspect. One can’t push one’s primal passions down with no consequences, so it does make sense.

Saturn conjunct any planet or asteroid makes one obsessive to express that asteroid. It, also, seems to make the person very guilty in the domain of the asteroid or planet. Saturn conj Eros would make one obsessive about sexuality. Saturn conjunct Echo would make one obsessive about having one’s voice. Saturn conjunct Pluto would make one obsessive about one’s primal passions such as lust and rage. Saturn conjunct Mars will make one obsessive about meeting one’s drives. On it goes with Saturn. This has been my experience in doing charts and my personal experience.

Please share your experiences with Saturn and guilt on my Comment Form. We all learn together!





25 thoughts on “Saturn and Guilt

  1. amianncatman90

    Hey Ami cool article.I have Saturn,Uranus and Neptune Retrograde.Since you’ve got to know me a little you would have become quite aware of how these planets screw my chart up so you probably won’t need me to explain them.

    You said a person withRetro Saturn will tend to feel guiltier than most i think this is very true.I can identify with it.Although i wonder if because my Saturn 21 Capricorn 9 opposes
    Jupiter 25 Cancer 1 if it would cause me to be reckless or irresponsible.Would it affect my conscience.

    Like i have said before i really think we need to launch some nukes at Saturn and Chiron as i feel it may make the world a slightly less miserable place lol.

          1. amianncatman90

            I think you would be correct about limiting the planets,angles and asteroids it touches.However i would Imagine Saturn conjunctions will have some pros as well as cons.I think It may also give us strength,order,conviction and discipline.

  2. amianncatman90

    Does this conjunction count Saturn 21 Capricorn 9 conjunct Minerva 23 Capricorn 23 i think its about just about 2 degrees .If it does what do you think of it.

  3. amiannBlackbird

    I have Saturn (and 3 other points) square Ascendant; I tend to project a degree of competence that I rarely actually feel.

    I have Saturn conjunct Pluto, but I’m not sure it means, or what you mean.

    I also have Saturn conjunct Mercury; I usually feel held back, reserved or restrained in any communication. For example… I often feel that I have nothing to contribute to a discussion, so I just don’t say anything.

  4. amiannAkemi

    Hi Ami, thanks for the great insightful article. What would u make out of one with Saturn on DSC. This is my good friend’s kid who was born May this year. This is 9 degrees apart from his NN and opposes his sun, mercury, mars stellium in the H1 in Taurus.

    Interestingly, his elder brother who was born 3 years ago had Saturn conjunct Sun 3 degrees apart in the H1 in Libra, opposing Jupiter and uranus (2 degrees apart) on DSC.

    While I’m not sure how to interpret these aspects properly, they are very glaring. Hope you can provide some insights.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hello Akemi. Thanks for reading and commenting! Saturn conj the DSC may look for maturity in a partner. This person may be attracted to older partners. Saturn conj the Sun may have a stern father who instilled a fear of success and a sense of lose self esteem in the child. You can come and post any charts on my Forum and I and my other wonderful Forum members will look!

  5. amiannLesley

    Hi AmiAnn, I have been spending a lot of time on this site and it is amazing and a little scary too. I have many retrograde planets in my chart: Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Chiron, the Nodes, and Jupiter(which wasn’t listed in the article). My Jupiter is in Aquarius in the 5th house, and how it makes me feel is this: I have a joyfulness that I feel is my true self, but there is also an underlying feeling of depression that goes along with it. I don’t know if this rings true with Jupiter being retro, but this is how I feel. Lesley

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Lesley 😀
      Well, I have all the same Retros as you except for Jupiter. I think the Nodes may be retro for everyone. With depression, it is probably a complex issue in the chart. Have you put your chart up on my Personal readings Forum and asked your questions?

      1. amiannLesley

        Hi AmiAnn, I am going to try to do that. I am not sure how. Is there a site to post it from. I am not too fancy with the computer. I would love to do that.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Yes, I have a Forum. Go on the front of m website. You will see Ami’s Soul to Soul Astrology Forum. I am not that good with the computer either. Keep pushing yourself! I look forward to talking with you more on there, if you can do it. If not, we can talk on here!

          1. amiannLesley

            Hi, Yes, my childhood was not full of love. My mom was consistently criticizing me for everything which resulted in me having a very low confidence level. Even today, as I have to care for her in her elderly years, and live with her, she has berated me to the point where I feel very little for her. I didn’t realize before that words could do such damage. It seems to be all culminating with me now. My health has always been pretty good. It’s all emotional for me. Even at a young age I worried about things that someone my age shouldn’t.

          2. amiannLesley

            My Moon is in Libra(a cold sign) in the first house. I don’t feel cold, as I can’t seem to separate emotion from anything I do. Being in the first house, as astrologer told me many years ago that it was the same as a Cancer ascendant. I don’t know. The only aspect is a semi-square with Mars (13degrees) in the 11th house and inconjunct with venus in Taurus.

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Find my articles on the Unaspected Moon. I have an almost Unaspected moon and I am super sensitive and I don’t like it but it is not fully Unaspected which is much stronger!

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