Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Some Thoughts on the Apollo Asteroid

Was Apollo put on earth to reflect beauty, to shine, and with that shining, bring beauty in to the lives of others. I am thinking that Apollo is simply an image of beauty. Apollo’s beauty is not self centered, though. It was made to shine forth in such a way that it would be a balm for the weary travelers on life’s road. By beauty, I mean a beautiful soul, first and foremost. There is something very ugly, in a beautiful exterior and an ugly soul. It seems like some perversion of nature. True beauty is beauty of spirit. This is the ONLY beauty that will nourish others.


I thought I would add a direct quote from a beautiful man, S.P who has Sun conjunct Apollo

“Apollo…the light bringer, the artist, the prophet, and the healer. that is what i aspire to find in myself with Apollo’s guidance. He has given me a gift and I intend to let my light shine. xx”

How Apollo is that!


12 thoughts on “Some Thoughts on the Apollo Asteroid

  1. amiannParis

    Quite ironic that I should stumble upon your Journal just days after searching Google far and wide for an in-depth description of Apollo and the role he plays in our lives! I have him at 15′ Leo, in the 10th House. Any idea what this could mean?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      It is my pleasure, Paris. I will meditate on the unaspected Sun and see if I can write an article, in the next few days. Every unaspected planet is a gift. With the Sun, you have star quality. Many actual stars have unaspected Suns!

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      Well, Paris, just the house and sign would not matter much, if he did not touch anything, such as the Sun, Moon, or another asteroid. With asteroids, they must be VERY close, not more the 2-3 degrees, in a conjunction.

  2. amiannShen

    One of my X, he has Apollo conj his MC? does this count?
    and another one of my X, he has Apollo conj his Sun and conj his mercury as well. He is good looking, and has a good personality. I admire him.

    and for me, A gifts from the God, I have it conj my Sun.
    I really like this sentence and its meaning. “…He has given me a gift and I intend to let my light shine…”

      1. amiannShen

        Then Mars also get effected
        I share and exchange experiences here.

        This guy, He is not good, not bad. – in looking.
        But he is certainly a “credible” person. (People acknowledge this when they talk with him, they feel.)
        He often get a good work. When he applied for new work, interviewed by big boss executive, He got that works.
        now, he is a project manager in big and well-known company (and he got “Share” from company (company give it to employee who work in a big position – like him)

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