Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Synastry Between Jody Arias and Travis Alexander


This is is a very interesting situation. His Moon is trined by her Jupiter but that is all. So, for him Jody brought a sense of joy but not the true soul connection. A true soul connection is always the Moons. The asteroids and some other factors can give demi soul. Demi soul is good and worth something but true heart to heart, child to child and hence, true soulmate love is moon, in my humble opinion.



I will be back

4 thoughts on “The Synastry Between Jody Arias and Travis Alexander

  1. amiannEva

    OMG, I never heard in UK news about this case, maybe because I don’t watch TV too much, and I just started to read all your posts about this case Amiann and I find it so interesting way you look on all those aspects regarding this sad case. It is so hard to find the true, what really happened only God and this girl know but thanks to astrology we can open the secret door to human soul and have a better understanding of human being and see things, many times dark and painful which are private and hidden to other people. Will you have some conclusion to this case Amiann? I have as well question regarding sun mercury combat, you wrote 29 degree is frozen what if there is 0 degree sun mercury exact conj. I will keep on reading and thank you for your interesting posts!!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hello Friend. if a combust is 0 degrees, it is very, very sad imho. This person needs trusted people for reality checks! Read my new article on the asteroids in her chart. The chart only hsowed a person who could not face reality well. The asteroids tell the rest of the story.

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