I will attempt to answer what you would want to know from A to Z on this topic, so you could decide if this is something you want. I will write several small articles rather than one big one. First of all”Why does man need to be Born Again?” Man cannot be in God’s Presence because God is pure holiness. God is pure “everything”. God is pure love. God is 100% holy, which is something we cannot conceptualize, as human beings. At any rate, man cannot come in to God’s Presence . God loves man with a love that man cannot understand. Man, certainly, does not deserve it, but God IS love and so His Love is unfathomable. I wrote an article on the Fall. When man disobeyed, man lost his pure state and took on what is called ” the flesh”. The flesh is everything bad about human nature. It could be called our ego. If you look to any human pain, you will find man’s ego at the root of it. Once man “fell” from man’s original, sinless condition, God wanted to find a way to get man back to Him. The way that God engineered is the “new birth” i.e.being born again.
Why Does Man Need to be “Born Again”?
- Astrology is Very Powerful for Insight into Oneself
- How Do you Become ” Born Again” ?