These are just a start. If you can come up with something better, I will nix mine except for Scorpio
Aries—Baby stroller
Taurus–Truck with a flat bed for hauling cabbage
Cancer—- Crown Vic Ford Sedan with 4 doors, so no one has to climb over a seat.
Leo—–Maroon El Dorado Cadillac with rims
Scorpio—–Van with curtains so you could go in the back and make out.
Saggi—– Rocket
Capricorn Venus—-Classic, antique car
Aquarius—Electric car
Pisces—–No car required. He can go on trips, sans vehicle.
I need your help here. I have some lame ones and some blank ones.
Sag’s should have a rocket! hahahaha
PERFECT, Moonie. Sag’s get a rocket!
Venus in Pisces is ALWAYS on some “trip.” Car, unnessasary!
LOL Good one, Lon. I will use that. Pisces– No car needed. Can trip alone.
Regardless of how we choose to travel: car, airplane, etc… Venus in Pisces always lives up to its acronym and travels VIP! lol
Thank you, T 😀
If only I could acess what I dream about!
LOL Awwww
Living solely in the imaginative relam is like VIEWING a pretty picture, but never
ENTERING it! Like Adam and Eve dwelling EAST OF EDEN!
Virgo Venus here..Yeah…i make sure the car is well ‘equipped’ at all times.
LOL Do you have a first aid kit, Marion?
I probably could come up with something better, but Libra, for now:
Gemini, maybe a silver, open aired car
That pink one is a pretty one for Libra, B!
The Christian journey is simular to the journey of the Children of Israel when they
wondered for 40 years in the desert. They yearned for release. They eventually got
it. But they had 40 years of “overcoming” to go through. Our “release” will occurr when
Jesus returns.
WELL SAID, Lon! Hagin was talking about running our race. I was discouraged today and your comments really lifted me up. Thank you, Lon.
God makes us overcome because we value more what we have to struggle for.
We don’t go through anything that Christ Himself didn’t have to go through.
This was a wonderful and very helpful article for me! Any chance you could do the Venus signs interest in architecture? (I mean taste in homes.)
Really, Ruth? How was it helpful? I was going to do clothes. I am not really into homes.
It was very helpful because I love learning about people’s taste in things. Clothes would be interesting and appreciated. But clothes are a bit over done. How about Venus taste in restaurants, vacations spots, books and or art?
Thanks Ruth. I could do these threads and ask for input. Those are the most fun ones, anyway!
Ok, thanks.
Oh yea! This is why I love my venus in pisces. *dream sequence music*