You all know my encounters with the Malignant Narcissist I have mentioned for a year or more, on here. Well, I sent her running and it was a glorious day. My theory paid off. You have to pull off the…
Can Some People Be a Curse on Two Feet?
I know two such people. I know them well enough to know that they bring bad effects to people. How so, you may ask? They seem to like to hurt others. They seem to like to demean others. Every person…
Anger, Stomach Aches and the Malignant Narcissist
This is a strange title but it all relates. I bet you will be able to relate, too, whether it be headaches, addictions or guilt. I stuffed my emotions into my stomach. One can look at medical Astrology to see…
The Power of Anger
I had the experience of many people—–growing up with a Malignant Narcissist parent.. It is kind of a nightmare experience. Nothing is real. One lives in a world within a world. It is as if needs a translator. One has…
How To Keep Yourself Safe From a Predator?
I will say something you won’t like. Many times, the shrewdest person cannot see through a predator. I had an employee who turned out to be a sociopath. I could never have seen it coming, not in a million years.She…
More On Gaslighting
I stepped away from the Gaslighting situation I described in the previous articles. I stepped away because the person ran away. I hate bullying. I think bullying is the ultimate in cowardice. Bullies target the weak( or whom they think…
Gaslighting For Dummies
My beloved readers are not dummies. It just seemed like the right title for a briefer on how to dealer with Gaslighters, so they run away from you, not the other way around I can be your pilot in this…
Gaslighting——Part Two
People seem to really like the article on Gaslighting. So, I will add more experiences and more thoughts on the subject. One of my readers seemed to think that I could not believe in God and react back, in turn,when…
The Anatomy of a Malignant Narcissist
I get called on to write things that no one will talk about( or few) I am disgusted with how politically correct our culture is. I think the plethora of mental illness is directly related to the fact that you…
The House That Evil Built—–Growing Up With a Malignant Narcissistic Parent
I don’t want to write this. You probably don’t want to read this but it is a reality that some people grow up in homes where lies populate and the child fears he will lose his sanity or he does.…