You can spend all you want on expensive cosmetics but you will NEVER get the glow you will get from natural foods. That is my opinion and my personal experience. I think you can get great bang for your buck…
Mars–How You Go After What You Want
I don’t like Mars that much because I have him in the Fall. He lets me know it on a daily basis. However, most people have one or more planets in the Fall. The Fall is like being on a…
Sun or Moon—–Which is the REAL You?
Both the Sun and Moon are the real person but different parts. An employer will see your Sun at a job interview. Your co-workers will likely deal with your Sun. It is your more outer self. It is the strongest…
Sadism—People Who Like to Hurt People For No Reason
Does anyone have experience with this? What are the reasons? What would the chart show? I have articles on chart placements but I am more interested in personal experiences. However, both are welcome.
Moons, Moons, Moons
Some things will make people angry but that is par for the course. Truth is in short shrift. That is why I give it 😀 I have some thoughts on Moons after all of your wonderful(?) feedback and more charts…
Venus–What You Find Beautiful
One of my male friends used to say that he had to like someone’s “way”. Some snippets of conversation stay with you. I think of some people who I find absolutely beautiful and it has nothing to do with looks.…
Venus Trine Moon in a Man
This is my second favorite aspect in a guy. My first favorite is Mars in Scorpio. I can feel both of these, online and in real life. If I spend even a little time with a guy, I can tell…
Question for Those Who Have Had Squared or Opposed Moons in Synastry
Please, tell me which moons. Please, tell me the aspect–square or opposition. Please, tell me about the nature of the relationship. Please, tell me if it lasted. Thank you!
Before We Say Farewell to Moons
I want to thank you all for what I have learned. I could never have had the awareness I did without all of you. I would like to sum up some of the things I learned and some of the…
People Who Trigger You
I watch anything that happens from an astrological perspective. If someone seems to be riding my azz, to say it simply, I will try to find out the person’s chart. The foremost person who seems to ride me is someone…