My clients are my teachers. I consider it a great honor that they allow me into their lives and their most private thoughts. I form my theories based on them, myself and the charts. There is not much written about…
Why I Don’t Like Aquarius?
I am going to force myself to be honest here. That is not easy. Let me say that I do like Aqua Venus and Mars. I find them to be genuine. I do not find them to be hypocritical as…
Being In Touch With Your Emotions
I admire people who are in touch with their emotions. I struggle to know what I am feeling. I am not alone in this. I have Moon conjunct the MC. I bring my heart, with all it’s flaws and struggles,…
POLL—Betrayl or No Betrayal
I wrote my article on loyal Moons. I got hate comments and like comments. What gives. Tell me what you would do in this situation and what is your Moon. You help a friend out of a serious depression. You…
Loyalty( Or Lack of it) and Moon Signs
This is not my first article about Moons and Loyalty. However, I have more input since the last article. To me, as a Cancer Moon, loyalty is one of the most important traits. A person will fail you, as you…
Can You Tell if Someone is a Sociopath?
I would say that the short answer is no. The long answer is yes. This may be enigmatic. Discovering that someone is a sociopath is more enigmatic, so bear with me. I will tell you about my most recent experience.…
Trying To Be Perfect
I have strange things happen to me. I, always, have. I have strange people come to me. I always have. I seem to get what I need and it seems to come from unexpected sources. My Jupiter makes only generational…
STOP, DROP and ROLL– Neptune in Synastry
You know the guy your girlfriends told you about. They said he was bad. You said that they just didn’t understand. I am writing this article to you: those gals( and guys) who found the prince but he tuned into…
A Synastry With No Moon Connections
I think of my own life and the charts of my clients when I write articles. If I have not lived it in one of these two ways, I won’t write about it. There is too much mental meandering going…
Crazy Love
My articles write themselves. It is time to write an article on crazy love 😀