The politically correct mantra for people who hate Jews is,” I like Jews.I hate Israel” This does not fly, as it is doublespeak for someone who does not want to come out and say he hates Jews, outright. It looks…
What is the Best Present For a Couple Who Wants to Get Married?
Guess? I am waiting. One, two, three, four. Yes, a synastry. I am beyond amazed at how the synatry is so accurate down to the pimple on the leg of a relationship, if I may be so crass. Each and…
The Bible is Not a Dusty Book for Old Men
The Bible is a living book.How can that be? I don’t know. It is a supernatural book. The words have life to them. The words can go inside you and change you, like no other book, ever. Many people were…
How Do I Get Good in Astrology?
The answer is simple, but the doing is hard, in the way that learning a language is hard. However, I will give you the one word answer—-BLENDING. If you want to get facile with Astrology( and that is all of…
The Yod
I had the pleasure to work on the Yod with one of my clients. As always, it is the height of excitement to explore another topic in Astrology. More exciting still is how the chart plays out with exact precision…
Question for Discussion–Does Moon Oppose Pluto “Cause” Bi-Polar Disorder(Manic Depression)
I have had this discussion with several people who had Moon oppose Pluto and were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I know that not all people with moon opposed to Pluto have this unfortunate malady. That goes without saying in discussions…
WHY Do Nessus and Dejaneria Relationships Feel Like They Will Kill Us?
I am someone people come to with obsessive relationships and ask why. Logically speaking, if one is an adult and feels one will die if a lover leaves, there must be something more than meets the eye. The Nessus/Dejaneria relationship…
The Colorado Killer– Astrological Chart Interpretation WITH Correct Time
I have written four articles in the process of trying to find the right time for this man. I have it, now. I am not going to delete my other articles, even though it may seem confusing, because I think…
Basic Basic Astrology—— What is a Chart?
There are some people who know nothing about Astrology. We have all been there.It is like being in a foreign country not speaking the language. For those people, I would like to do a series on Basic, Basic Astrology. The…
Basic Basic Astrology–What is the Sun?
The Sun is the center of the Solar System. The Sun is the center of oneself, in the same way. The natural Sun gives light to the earth.Our Sun is our most basic drive.It is what we KNOW as our…