I am writing to people who want to think their way to God: those people who must come to God through their intellects. People who grew up in Christian homes are not in this category often. They always had a…
Personal Landmines in Your Natal Chart
This is my personal experience but it makes sense. Chiron is one’s place of wounding. Chiron cannot heal according to the myth. Some Astrologers like to gloss over this and say Chiron can heal. I take Astrology at face value.…
To the Dear Person Who Writes me from the Sea off the Coast of England—–How to Deal With Depression
How does one deal with depression? This question plagues you, dear Friend. I will try to address this subject. I will bring all I have to the table. First of all, my studies and my own experience has shown me…
Basic Basic Astrology–What is a Stellium?
A stellium is three or more planets in a sign. This sign will be very important. They will usually be in the same house but don’t need to be. A stellium will make a strong emphasis on this sign as…
Going Out on a Limb—The Level of Relationship Will Always Be Determined By The Chart
My commitment to the people who read my website and come to me for readings is honesty. With that caveat, I want to tell you what I believe about this topic. There are certain factors which spell certain levels of…
How to Look at Transits–Emphasis on Houses
Transits deal with planets currently in the skies. We will talk about them in relationship to one’s natal chart. When one looks at transits, one can make a chart that shows the current position of all planets and how they…
Asteroid Swindle and Asteroid Lie
Swindle 8690 Lie 26955 These are two fascinating asteroids. If one was interested in a man(or woman) and had misgivings about him, one would be wise to check these asteroids. I am quite sure if a man were to swindle…
The Unaspected Pluto–A Scene from Schindlers List
The Unaspected Pluto will have to deal with power .His lesson is to learn to wield it as a surgeon wields a scalpel: using wisdom and discretion. That is the task of an Unaspected Pluto. One scene in Schindlers shows…
An Example of a House Rulers Reading
R of 10th in the 1st, R of 8th in 2nd, R of 3rd in the 4th, R of 7th in the 7th, R of 9th in the 9th, R of 6th in the 9th, R of 3rd in the…
Juno Asteroid
The Juno Asteroid portrays one of the best parts of human nature. Think of grandmothers of days past who took their marriage vows seriously. They may be a dying species:people who value traditional marriage with the old fashioned traits like…