My psychic gift is a Gift from the Holy Spirit. It is not more complicated than that. All Christians have Gifts from the Holy Spirit. We may have several. You can look in the Bible to see the list of…
Becoming a Christian—The Most Important Day of Your Life
God does not expect Christians to believe based on nothing. God gave us reasoning powers. God wants Christians to be the most well informed people, not the least. God does not ask Christians to jettison their logic at the door.…
Does a Christian Have to Go to Church?
The word church is a gathering together of believers. A church may be two or people talking about God. The Bible tells us not to forsake the gathering together of believers. I do not go to a church or a…
Freedom and Christianity
People laugh at Christians. I thought the same thing so I understand. I was from Boston and went to college in North Carolina. I thought people in the Bible Belt were fools. I understand where people are coming from. Some…
Am I a Christian or Jew?
I am both. I am Christian which is a follower of Jesus. I am Jewish and will always be a Jew. We Jews are very strong about our heritage. We were born a Jew. We will die a Jew. The…
How Can I Be a Christian and a Psychic?
I am a Christian. I am a psychic. How can I be a Christian and a psychic? It is a good question. I did not think one could be both a Christian and a psychic. I thought it was either/or.…
Basic Basic Astrology—-Easy Aspects—The Sextile and the Trine
The Sextile is a 60 degree aspect. This would be exactly two signs apart. The Trine is a 120 degree aspect. This would be exactly three signs apart. The energy flow is easy and harmonious with these aspects.Hence, the planets…
The Unaspected Moon—-From Emotional Mutant to Emotional Genius
I was bemoaning the sadness of an Unaspected moon until I had a profound understanding . I will share it. You take what you will. An Unaspected Moon cannot access his own feelings as his feelings are THE part of…
Basic Basic Astrology—Why does it matter that planets touch each other i.e. have Aspects?
It matters because each planet represents a PART of you. The aspects show how the parts will work TOGETHER. This is very very crucial to your understanding of how you work and how others work.For example if a man has…
Basic Basic Astrology—What are Aspects?
Each planet is located at a certain position.There are 360 degrees on the Astrological chart. The location of a planet is give by Hour:Minute:Second:. Usually, only the Hour and Minute are used. The Sun may be at 28:21 Gemini. You…