You know you like the dark asteroids. Do you admit it? No. They are guilty pleasures .Your wish is my command. Onto the Dark Asteroids. 1. Nessus (7066)-— you know I am going to start with Nessus. Nessus is abuse.…
Ten Soul Mate or Love Asteroids
Someone asked me to do a synastry which did not have much soul. She asked me if that was the final word on the subject. I said that there are soul mate asteroids. That is the subject of this article.…
How Do I Work as a Christian Psychic?
I described that I am not a traditional psychic, per se, in my last article. I have the Gift of Knowledge. This gift allows one to know information not known by the five senses. In many ways, I work the…
What The Heck is a Christian Psychic? Questions and Answers
1. What the Heck is a Christian Psychic? I can answer for myself only. I got the name My Christian Psychic at the suggestion of my first web designer. It fit even though I knew I…
What Are You? Chinese Astrology
This is very cool. Do you think it is true for you ? 😀
Where is the Asteroid Isis(42) in Your Chart?
People seemed to like the article on Osiris, from the Comments I got. Let’s try Isis. They are considered paired asteroids in the manner of Romeo and Juliet. When a synastry is done, Astrologers will see if these two lovers…
Osiris(1923) Where Is He In Your Chart?
Osiris is one of the more complicated myths. I tend to eschew these for the sheer difficulty of extracting the essence but I have Osiris conjunct my Sun, so I stuck with it. If there is ever a character who…
Bad Boys Series: Casanova and Cupido
Casanova People seem to like my bad boys series. In that spirit, I will add two more baddies. These are different in shade and subtlety. You will find that the asteroids have subtle meanings. This makes for…
More On The Bad Boy Ixion
Ixion does not like to follow rules. Picture James Dean with the cigarette hanging from his mouth. He is oh so sexy and oh so free. Men with a strong Ixion vibe sexuality. We should not like the bad boys…
More On The Vixen Lilith
Lilith can be quite confusing because there are three forms of her. I stick to the Astro,com one. It comes up on the charts. Lilith is an interesting character. To me, she is raw sexuality. Lilith does not denote soul.…