I am always looking at the people in my life and their charts. I could eat, sleep and dream charts. One person haunts me. I don’t understand her, so I keep going back to the charts. She has Moon oppose…
Fiction: Riding The Bus to Camp with Gary Roxer
I should never have had 36C breasts at age nine. It was a burden I was not equipped to bear. I hid them to the best of my ability. If the temperature hit 90, I would not take off my…
Your Theme Asteroids
Each person will have several Asteroids which are his Themes. It is very interesting and very telling. When I do a professional chart and hit on them, the person is taken aback. It is as if the person finds his…
Anger, Stomach Aches and the Malignant Narcissist
This is a strange title but it all relates. I bet you will be able to relate, too, whether it be headaches, addictions or guilt. I stuffed my emotions into my stomach. One can look at medical Astrology to see…
More On Dark Sexuality
I talk to people and I do charts. From this, I draw conclusions. I do not do so lightly. I have great respect for the reader of this website. I have great respect for the fact that you took your…
15 Ways To Know You Are Dealing With a Sociopath
Bea asked me this question. It is a good one. I will try to talk from my experience, rather than list the usual list that goes in these kind of articles. 1. You feel like you have found your soul…
Behind the Mask of the Sociopath
I may seem obsessed with this topic. It is because I grew up with someone with low empathy. I could not fathom what was the problem, as a child or as an adult. It took me decades and decades to…
The Fixed Star Betelgeuse
I have Betelgeuse conjunct my Gemini Sun at 28 degrees Gemini. Betelgeuse is like Aldebaran in that it can give you great honors but you can fall to disgrace if you do not exercise wisdom and integrity. Many fixed stars…
The Fixed Star Aldebaran
People are asking me about Fixed stars a lot, lately. I only write about things when I have had experience with them, either in my own chart or the charts of others. I have personal experience with Aldebaran because I…
Astrowizard Asteroid–24626
This is an interesting little asteroid. People who love Astrology with a purple passion may have it prominently. Someone told me I have it conjunct my ASC, exact. It is funny that I was always jealous of people…