Luke asked this question and it is a good one. Let me see if I can shed some light on it. First of all, I think that everyone was made to do something. Each person was designed with a purpose.…
How To Find Your Strengths From Your Chart?
Adam suggested a great article. It is all too easy to focus on one’s weaknesses and forget one’s strengths. I hope this article will help all of us focus more on our good points. There are many areas of strength…
Would Love To Hear Requests for Articles
My last few requests seemed to be liked and appreciated, so I ask for your requests on articles you would like to see. My Comment section is not working for the moment but should be back very soon. Spam overcame…
The Difference Between the Trine and the Sextile
Dave brought up another great topic. The sextile is often forgotten and/or misunderstood. I have two trines—Neptune trine Mercury and Neptune trine the Sun. I have two sextiles–Pluto sextile Mercury and Pluto sextile the Sun. Trines are like effortless grace.…
Ten Psychic Placements
Dave asked me to write an article on this. First off, we are all psychic, just as we are all musical. However, some people are gifted at being psychic. To these natives, it is natural,just as some people are gifted…
Retrograde Chiron and Retrograde Saturn
I have both. Each is very different, although all Retrograde planets have a similar working. If one understands the underlying functioning of the Retrograde, one can apply it to any planet. Picture a snail shell. It winds and winds and…
Your Earth Suit—The Natal Chart
I don’t know if you are like I am, but I ask why? Why did I have my mother when I had so much potential to do and be whatever I wanted. Why did I have my mother, who was …
Aspects To the MC
Dave asked me about this. I appreciate the article requests because your desire for them gets me more excited. So, lets see what the MC has to say. The MC is one’s public face. It is one’s face in one’s…
Easy Key Words For The Signs
Planets conjunct the MC
Dave suggested the article of aspects to the MC. First, I will write one on planets conjunct the MC, so we have can start at the beginning and build up without the articles getting too long. The last thing I…