One of my readers asked me about Nessus conjunct her ASC. She told me she did not have the urge to be abusive, which would be the classic interpretation for Nessus conj the ASC. I asked her if it was…
Why Are People Sadistic for No Reason?
I know two people who really enjoy sadism. I look to the charts and I do get clues.One is a male. One is a female. I have the charts of both and know both. I will put forth some thoughts…
10 Extraordinary Modern Day Judgements…Are They Related To The Treatment Of Israel Copy this link and right click on “Open link”
Where You Shine–Asteroid Europa (52)
Let’s check out a happy asteroid. I am known for the abuse asteroids. They are part of life, too. However, lets look at a happy place where one can shine. We all need that.Europa is planet dependent and house dependent.…
Which Planet Should You Actually Live On?
Cool Beans I got this You got: Pluto OK, so Pluto isn’t technically a planet, but you’re not one for technicalities. Your creative energy draws people to you, and you’re truly unforgettable. When someone knocks you down, you get…
By Popular Demand
I am very reader driven. I like to respond to the questions my very valued readers have for me. This article falls in that category.Some readers brought up the topic of voids with the Ascendent being the Void element. In…
The Worst Aspects For Sexuality
People google this topic so I will give my take on it. There are some people to whom we would not mate if he was the last man on earth and the species would become extinct. Lets talk about what…
Which Void is The Hardest in Your Opinion?
I am an earth void. I think this is the easiest one. I do have a hard time figuring out the practical matters in life. I don’t care or notice if I am using a broken pan with no handle…
Israel’s Right To Her Land——–For Dummies
I like the For Dummies series of books. There is something comforting about thinking you can approach a difficult topic like car mechanics with a simple and fun book. The series is brilliant such that I copy it’s theme on…
Puzzle For Today
This puzzle is a prior puzzle with added, important information. I don’t know what I would do without my buddies and you, too. We are all learning together. That is one of my contributions to Astrology: to try…