Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Asteroid Picks—Eris

A dolphinI started my Asteroid picks with Eris. People would get very angry when I would make an Asteroid pick for them and it would turn out to be Eris. See the face of that dolphin. He looks like he could be up to mischief. He looks like he could play a practical joke on someone like put plastic wrap over the toilet seat. This would be V-E-R-Y annoying. The kind of feeling one would have as one sat down on the toilet would be the feeling that Eris evokes. Sorry to use a bathroom reference. I am not a Venus in Libra, after all.

The best way I can explain Eris to you is to use Steve Urkel. Urkel is the mover and shaker of Eris. He vibed Eris like no one’s business. Let’s make Eris practical. The person with a strong Eris will have the quality of trying to pick fights. Then, the person may exit the fight and sit on the sidelines laughing. The Eris person will have a strange adherence to causes, too. This person will jump in where angels fear to tread. This can be good but with the Eris person, it is usually more of the same impotent flailing. If they get into a cause, they will probably bring down more trouble on an organization than help.

I saw a funny synastry with Eris conjunct the NN. They, indeed, did annoy the heck out of each other. Each person had a strong Eris in his natal, so maybe they were used to this vibe. I can’t stand it myself. I can pick it up when I feel the same annoyance I feel at a mosquito. Eris is not downright mean. He is like a toddler who keeps asking you for the bar of candy near the check out. He whines. He begs. He squirms. If you are a bad mother, you give it to him to shut him up. Remember this and you will be on your way to your own Asteroid picks with Eris, front and center.





298 thoughts on “Asteroid Picks—Eris

  1. amiannamiann Post author

    B, you are such a wonderful Astrologer, the best I have seen, actually.To me, you were born to be an Astrologer. I wonder where the Asteroid Astrowizard is in your chart. Do you enjoy your other pursuits as much as Astrology?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          No, B. You are so natural as an Astrologer. Your high water makes it such. Some Astrologers are all head. I find this off putting. I can’t relate to how they do Astrology. I can’t really get help from them. I do Astrology as you do. You have always been my main role model. It is a shame you don’t do it professionally, as you have a true gift.

  2. amiannLivingMystery

    Haha Steve Urkel, r u off your head, if we r talking about the same tv character. Eris has more sex appeal than Pluto let alone a befuddling nerd. Look u got the mischief thing going on, but you’ll need to go much deeper and darker before I catch on.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Indeededoo :-). i could annoy you even more by saying God is a c… of a word but you’ll just throw the message into exile. That’s what people do with Eris; they just can’t stand the chaos, its too much to bear. Raw truth usually is. Love your asteroid insights!!

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            You still want more! Ill give it to you. Nah, ok ill ease up for now, and check your site out first, see what your made of. Hats off to begin with for combining religion and astrology. Idiot priests and ‘religious’ people all over the world could never take that jump-you did. Venus in Gemini hey. Me mars in gem 26degrees, maybe we’re a match made in bed, ah excuse me, a match made in heaven I meant. So sorry 🙂

  3. amiannLivingMystery

    Ok mrs irreplaceable, I checked u out and very good, you’ve done alot of shadow work, which gives the ability to tell it like it is. Your talk of Christian roots is mumbo jumbo to me I’ve heard it all before-jesus really is old news not the good news haha. But at the same time your insight on astrology is profound with regards to the asteroids. Ill be finished in a year or two writing my book (13 years writing the f…..g thing) and will make contact with you then. All the best 🙂

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        LM, :-)…yes my truth is stripped bare, naked. I didn’t go all the way checking you, sorry your ‘ website’ out, I peeped and peeled away a few layers of its had quite a bit of clothes on. But u also knew how to undress your message, which brought out a wonderful aroma-quite unique the scent is. I’m happy you’ve chosen this perfume, it shall linger well with me a little longer…

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Only if I get to look at your ‘chart’. Then we’ll see who takes eachothers clothes off the best.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            You know what would be more fun. Let me guess your placements. You say yes or no. First of all, you have Mars in Scorpio.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Your on a roll, no, not quite hehe. Ill give you a little platform from which to work with. I have the lilith/eris archetype on all the angles, and eros conjunct venus. Now your birthdate and what degree libra Asc my darling sweetheart peach 🙂

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          No, LM, this is more fun. Then, I will link you my chart, but I have Eros conj venus, exact, too. Now, lets talk about your Mars cuz I like to feel out placements. Are you a Scorpio Mars?

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          I have to check my ASC degree. I think it is 7. I do so many charts that I forget about my own but please let me guess your placements before I show you my chart. This will be really fun and Venus in Gemini loves games 😀

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Feeforget about Scorp sign Amen ( your name sounds like Amen)..bout time they called it Awomen don’t u think. Ok Awoman if your to simplify me and my chart, which is quite a dangerous and somewhat idiotic thing to try, go with a mix of pluto/uranus with mars leading the subconscious War. As for u my first instinct was the first decan libra Asc.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Yes, why did you think 1st decan of Libra for me? Ok, for you, can I guess your Mars and Venus? Is that Ok with you?

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Ok, let me think. I feel a strong and sexy mars. if it is not Scorpio, it has to aspect Pluto in a strong way i.e a close orb. How am I doing? Can I eliminate some mars? If so, I will eliminate Scorpio, Libra, cancer and Gemini. Can I 😀

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            I feel somewhat of a light venus such as one that can play. That would take out Libra and Virgo. That would take out Scorpio because it is too intense. Ok, tell me how I did with these, LM 😀

          5. amiannamiann Post author

            When I am done with this, I will think Moon but there is something I feel. Your Pluto either touches my moon or venus and I feel it is Venus like maybe trines it or if not, something with a close orb.

  4. amiannLivingMystery

    My juicy book-the first eight years were about the nature if spiritual enlightenment, the last five years all about the dark-light if the Soul. Spiritual stuff bores me to no end now. Give me Soul anyday. Son Of Man passedo over the batton many years ago and said forget about me, you yourself are more than enough. Must delve deep into your insights on Asteroids when I’ve the time. May u have the s/wetest, sorry sweetest of dreams lovey. Sorry having trouble spelling 🙂

  5. amiannLivingMystery

    Libra decan one peaks with sweetness smoothness and diplomacy which u have in buckets. Libra decan two and three very much darkens….feel u would’ve struck back at me. My pluto conjuncts your Asc or near enough, so that’s where the pluto connections coming from I feel for u. Your on the ball with my Mars, only the pluto energy with it is wrapped up in plutonic energy that doesn’t come from pluto itself. Ill leave u to guess more. Keep going with my Venus, it can be difficult to pick it up, but go for it. I’m intrigued as to your Moon.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Now, this is part of what I am feeling. I have an unaspected venus at 9 Gemini. I can feel what a man’s Pluto touches it in a trine and that is what your Pluto does. I will have to think a bit to separate out some of the other things in your chart but was I right on the Mars and venus I eliminated in your chart, LM? Did you see the Mars and Venus I eliminated?

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          I lost my last post I think. Ok, I think you have something powerful in Saggi opposite my Gemini stellium. It may be the Saggi venus but I am not ready to call it.

        3. amiannamiann Post author

          I lost my last post I think. Ok, I think you have something powerful in Saggi opposite my Gemini stellium. It may be the Saggi venus but I am not ready to call it.

        4. amiannamiann Post author

          Also, I have had a man’s Gemini Mars conjunct my Gemini Venus and so I am not ready to rule out a Gemini Mars. Ok, tell me if I CAN rule all of these out. For Mars, I rule out Aries, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Virgo, Aqua Capricorn (and you said it was not a Scorpio Mars) Ruling out Cappy and Aqua Mars are unsure ones but I will go with it. So, that leaves Aries, Gemini, Leo, Saggi. Is your Mars ONE of these, LM?

        5. amiannamiann Post author

          Now, for Venus, I will eliminate Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Taurus(?), Cappy(?), Gemini, Pisces(?), Cancer, Virgo and Aqua(?). The ones I am unsure of have a question mark. Can I eliminate all of these.

  6. amiannamiann Post author

    Ok, Just reading this over, you have Mars in Gemini at 26 conjunct my Gem sun at 28 and Gem Merc at 21 Gemini.

    I was pretty good in the Mars I ruled out. Not bad 😀

  7. amiannLivingMystery

    Not bad at all. Side note: you wow me with your insights on Asteroids-a very unique touch which puts a nice stamp on Astroland. To move things along, my pluto is at 5 libra, still a venus trine for me as pluto is just so darn strong 5-10 degrees away. My mars/saturn conjunction your Sun-fixed stars there passions your Sun. My Nessus and south node 1-2 degree from your Merc. Your stellium alot of lucky fixed stars there. My Mars is aspected by three of the four lilith’s/ceres/chaos/ very plutonic. Chaos/Chiron conjunct my Sun 2-3 degree. You should know my sun by now. Venus keep’s hard coz Jupiter/venus/Artemis/eros are all conjunct.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I can’t feel out your Sun. Ok, your Venus is not Saggi? Hmm, it seems like a light venus but it conjucts Jupiter so that would do it.Something feels Saggi. Is your Sun Saggi? I have the moon to deal with, too. No rest for the weary :/

      1. amiannLivingMystery not Saggi sun. Remember chiron conjunct Sun ya dill. While u feel me, send me the link of your details so ‘I’ can have MY fun.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Chiron conj the Sun does not help me. What do you mean’ send you the details”? To me, your Venus is light but it could be any venus if it has Jupiter conj it. You have a great sense of humor and so I have to factor that in with the Venus. That would point me to Saggi and Gemini. Maybe, it is Gemini

  8. amiannLivingMystery

    Ok been checking your site a bit more this last ten minutes. Your very thorough with your experience/knowingness except you yourself would do well to embrace Darkness a bit more or you’ll get chewed up. When I say Darkness I mean the positive side of the underworld/subconscious. You need to create a broad range of shadow work, so that most seeming negative words are seen in a different light.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Please, elaborate, my Friend and thank you for all your posts and comments. I appreciate them. For me, back to your Venus and Moon.You have to answer my questions when I need hints, though 😀

  9. amiannLivingMystery

    (I had to delete the actual words for discretion but they are not offensive to me, personally ) are all beauuuuutiful words and energy when used in the right context. That is, a context that comes with the totality of you. /As for answering you, I am, in my way hehehe.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I have to be real, if a Christian guy says Holy Smokes or something, I am turned off like to ground zero. I love raw words. It takes the right guy to say love. Some men can’t talk. They may have the words but not the MUSIC. A man needs the music, too.

      You have to answer when I eliminate possibilities for your placements i.e. Venus, Sun, Moon. If you don’t answer, how am I gonna do it ?

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        I eliminated, just read between what I say. Keep going with my venus, your close. Hey what degree cancer Moon are you? And if u were to describe your astro energy, who you are, generally speaking, what would it be?

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Wow you too call me Mr.Eris…the name has stuck. Mr.Eris is the name of my Soul, my Supreme SoulSelf. I eliminated Sag Sun, I eliminated anything to do with Scorp sign, I let u know my Sun sign by saying its conjunct Chiron aaaaand u know my pluto is 5 degree libra, so if u do the maths you’ll have my Sun my sweet argumentative libra Asc haha

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Too much head work. Makes me feel like I am in Geometry again. How do I know which Sun is conjunct Chiron. Am I missing something obvious? Pluto in Libra does not tell me about Chiron or Sun. You are being Mr Chaos, here!

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Ok Pisces Venus would be 60 degrees from the Sun or less so we have Taurus Sun or Cap Sun or Pisces or Aries. Ok–Aries!!

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Well, if your Venus conj Jupiter, it will feel like a Saggi venus, so hard to tell the actual Venus.This is my thinking. It is not super heavy Venus cuz these cannot flirt and you can. It is not a fussy Venus like Virgo, Taurus or Libra cuz they would not say raw words. It does not feel like Cancer but it may be that. Does not feel like Pisces cuz you don’t have that sensitive vibe. You said it was not Saggi.OK, so with that, I would guess Gemini, Aqua, Leo, and Cancer cuz I have a weird feeling it may be Cancer. Those are my guesses–Gemini, Cancer, Leo or Aqua.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Good try but, ever think again why my Venus is “elusive” to you??? Haha…my venus is very slippery! God if u can’t get it now u never will my beautiful peach

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You know what, LM. Once I picked Aries, it was so obvious. I don’t know that many Aries men. That is prolly why I could not feel it but I was close with Saggi, being fire 😀

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      Now, we have the Moon, though. I want to pick Scorpio but did you tell me you had no Scorpio placements. I think you may have Moon sq or oppose Pluto. As to the Moon, answer this first please and I will go on.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Oky doky your still around. Ok, look ill tell u this about my moon, first its trine yours hahehahe. And girl you are on with the square, but not Pluto, Planet Eris actually, which vibes pluto like a motherf…. I don’t think you get Eris fully. You keep coming back to pluto about me. My pluto is in lilith and Eris. Remember Eris is pluto’s wife. She can play pluto at his own game and win coz she goes both underground and upper ground, and she’s female, so she goes deeper into the pit, and she jokes, like me. I’m waiting for your next response eagerly.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I missed this about your Moon trines mine. You said it was not Scorpio so it must be Pisces. Hmmm, do we have an exact trine. I love Moon trine Moon in synastry. It is my number one fave aspect with anyone. So you have a Pisces Moon. I did not pick that up at all. I have to say that, Daniel.

  10. amiannLivingMystery

    I have atropos, the asteroid of death conjunct my moon..more plutonic shit there haha. My last astrologer said “Daniel you’ve got soooo much pluto matter in your chart that your gonna have to watch out for a lifetime obsession with death. I think inadvertently that your picking up on this in my chart, only Eris is whose playing Pluto’s card. I’m the joker remember!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I love the name Daniel. It is strong and sensitive, too! Ok, so your Moon sextiles Pluto. Is it a close sextile? That gives me the clue to your Moon cuz Pluto is in Libra, so the Moon would have to be Saggi or Leo, I think. My mind is kind of sieve like, today. Either way, you seem like a very warm person so it could be either. I love Leo moon and I like your vibe, so I will say Leo 😀

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Sorry my moon sextiles yours haha. Me moon square Eris. When the f…..g hell were you born and where? I’m very warm, hot actually.was born this way. Lilith true and mean Asc and Dc certainly shows that. Ahh bravado now! I’ve got to undress now and shower and then slip straight into the beduoir. I hope by the time I’m ‘freely’ tucked in that you’ll have one more message before my eyes meet with the land of peachy dreams.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Oh, you KILL me. A man who can use words like you do should register it like a loaded gun :/

          I will think about the moons and be back. This takes some thought and I am making tofu 😀

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            Ok sextiled Moons. That would be Virgo or Taurus. Hmmmm. Many people I feel close to and “get” are Taurus Moons.You don’t seem like you are overly perfectionistic, so I will go with Taurus. What degree, Daniel?

  11. amiannLivingMystery

    Me brain dead last night… moon opposite your cancer sorry. Yeah shitty Cappy moon. I have weak moon I feel. 11.50 degree. Will be my last post unless I get your birth details. Take that as gospel 🙂

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I am on my way to bed and now I have to go to bed with a threat hanging over my head 🙁

      I love Cappy Moon. Most of my friends seem to have it. Aww, we have Moon oppose Moon. That is nice. I have that with my closest real life friend. Ok, tomorrow, I will link my chart. tell me your ASC, first, now that I have bargaining power 😀

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Games with the two little peeps (Gem). I’m 27 degree Cappy Asc sandwiched between black Moon Lilith true 29d and mean 26. That lilith corridor makes my shadow nature Aquarius. Off to work. Night my peach. And first post from you shall be your chart link or Gospel remains gospel even though I don’t give a monkeys crap about Gospel. I’m tucking you in now, giving u a kiss on the head, head 🙂

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Oh My Goodness.

          What do I do with that post. I will tweak a thing or two but it is too much of a masterpiece to change, entirely. OK, I will give you my chart link but give me a few minutes before you leave me. * in panic mode*

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Wonderfully charming and accommadating today my beautiful peach. Thank you a bunch of flowers for the link. My mercury aspect/placement will have you dropping a few penny’s as to why I can craft words in such a way as kill or cure. Love and kisses.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Ok Now, I need to look at mercury. mercury is prolly in Gemini and may conjunct my Venus at 9 gem.That is my next guess 😀

  12. amiannLivingMystery

    Nup my Vertex conjuncts your venus. My mercury not in Gem. My mercury is in only one aspect with one planet, and its opposite, that’s it.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Wow, I bring you love and beauty ^^ That would be vertex conj a Venus. So, your anti vertex would be Saggi 9. Do you have anything on that? Planet or asteroid?

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Vertex (second Asc) on 11 degree. Anti vertex (second Des) on generational neptune and fixed star Antares. Antares is the pluto of fixed stars. Yes your right to take the guess with my Merc.

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      My fave Merc aspect is Mercury with mars. That makes a straight shooter and I like that and appreciate it. You have the Merc/mars hard aspect going on :/

      OK–so lets say you have Mars in hard aspect to Mercury. Your Mars is Gemini so the Merc could be Saggi, Virgo or Pisces. Now, the Merc has to be 30 degrees or less from the Sun and you have an Aries Sun. Hmmm I don’t know your degree of Aries Sun, so we could span signs. It could be an Aries Merc, Taurus Merc, Pisces Merc or Aqua. Am I right there? If so, I will guess from there.

      1. amiannamiann Post author

        I would give you a Virgo mercury, for sure, the more I think about it. I don’t communicate well with the Pisces Mercury and I kind of feel we get each other. What say you, Daniel?

  13. amiannLivingMystery

    Hey just realized too, I’m meeting up with a Thai lady on holidays in a couple of weeks, she too has venus/eros conjunct in Gem like you, and its conjunct my mars and saturn. Any tips on this placement of yours/hers?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Umm Yes, words, words, words are the aphrodisiac for venus in Gemini. We don’t care about the same things as other women in terms of a buff body or muscles etc. For us, it is the mind. We love to be teased with words. You are already good with this and few men are, so you should be all set. What are her other placements–Sun, ASC etc

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        But I too want her to adore my lean muscle lilith body as well. My saturn is also on her venus that is. I’ve got the rest of her chart covered. Although she has victim asteroid Deju 2.2 degree off her north node. It’s a little over two degrees, but still a little concerning. I love a tortured s and m sex life which hers and my chart bring for eachother but I’m not interested in a life long victim. Your thoughts.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Aww, said in a very interesting way :/ Umm, well she will be a victim. Deja there has that story, through no fault of her own, so you take the other side of the equation^^ I don’t think it will feel good long term, with your saturn on her Venus, anyway. Do YOU touch her NN with anything? What about the vertex? Does anyone bring anything to that? After, all this, tell me how you met her? Online? Also, I had a weird intuition. Be careful of disease.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            We’ve got trines and sextiles to eachothers north nodes even our own. It’s a fated relation and past life relation too. her south node and moon conjuncts my ceres and juno. so mother child fertility and marriage emotions are all there. and her vertex conjuncts my asteroid Ishtar who i have a tatuo of. She’s the first cousin of my best mates Thai wife who met while me and him went to Thai few years back. I seen them fall in love, mate I was there next to them when they first you know haha. How to work my saturn/mars with her venus-I think I need a crystal to protect us from saturn a negating side. Positively saturn can bring discipline and longevity to it. Yep a crystal is needed. Guess what aspects my Mercury.

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          The one aspect in synastry that makes for the most intense and passionate relationship is nessus/Deja. They don’t end well but the passion is like nothing else, ever! Planet wise, the most intense is Moon/Pluto imo. Second would be Venus/Pluto. Nessus/Deja has this mind blowing, crazy, obsessive feel, though, unlike anything else in the charts imo

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            No, exact sextiles, trines and squares are felt, too. They have to be exact up to 2 degrees, tops, but 2 degrees could even be kind of ambient in anything other than a conjunction

  14. amiannLivingMystery

    Actually I was wrong on the degree of Deja for her in relation to my Nessus. But her Deja does sextile exact her Venus/eros. So I wonder does that mean my saturn on her venus kind’ve comes into its element of dominance and sexual discipline and maybe other non-appealing ways?

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Ok time to go. Appreciate your energy. Ill look into your chart and get back in next day or so. Still haven’t figured out my Merc hey. A clue-my last astrolger said “your destined to write about all things taboo. And even a book about sex kink style”. That should about do it, should send u over the edge in soulful deliciousness Nitey nite.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You…. I have to maintain a modicum of decorum here, Daniel. I mean, I get flak for my pictures. Can you imagine what people would say about some of your words? :/

  15. amiannLivingMystery

    Totally understand. Time for us to email eachother instead. Send me a email and ill reply. / you can censor this bit it’s ok. My Eris gets bloodlust when I see injustice. Email me darling.

    From Ami
    PS I needed an aspirin when I came across this :/

  16. amiannLivingMystery

    Can’t see your chart. Says I have to register. Not my thing. Just give me the year you were born and I’ve got the rest 🙂

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Aww I don’t tell my age so you are out of luck, Mi Amigo.I have a son in his 20s and that is all I am gonna cough up. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I will be the wise woman giving you advice on all your chicks 😀

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Hey darling Ami, no need to worry today, I’m in a very quiet tame type of mood, even slightly vulnerable. I’m a good investigator but something just not adding up. With your sun at 28 Gem and moon in cancer and Merc at I think 21 Gem I still can’t get the year, even though I’ve got the book for it. I know your Asc and degree. So at the moment I’ve lucked out, or maybe I’m just having an off day. I love to give energy back to you, is why I want study u not just the other way.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Aww, you are so sweet. I really love your vibe and am so glad you are here. If you want to register, you can see the chart but it is not needed. I just like talking to you.

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          May I ask you some questions, Daniel? Do you know much about transits because I don’t. People are telling me I am in the middle of really hard transits with a Libra ASC at 7 and a cancer Moon at 8-9. If you could tell me what this would do and how it would feel, I would be very appreciative, Daniel dear.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Funny u say that about transits coz that too is not a strong point for me. What I will say is that I know ALOT about a Pluto transit to my moon in conjunction with the eris conjunction to my aries sun 23d. How has pluto affected your moon now that its being opposing it for this last year or two? How radical have things been? Death is very much involved in a pluto moon transit, whether symbolically or literally. Open up a little if u will I’m all ears.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Wow, about death. I feel obsessed with it. I am such a bad model for a Born Again Christian but I am real. I won’t lie and pretend I am better than I am. I will be back. I had to do something.

          3. amiannLivingMystery

            Your Asc decan ruler is the moon (Eygption) so I don’t think the hard aspect is something new to you. You’ve lived your whole life as an libra/moon Asc. Asc to me is US in the world. It’s not a persona persee. It’s rather a self-existent persona that IS YOU. I think the hard aspect is pluto to your moon. His has your emotional life been? I mean if your moon is conjunct your MC then everything would be quite evident through this website.

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            I tell my whole life on here. I feel a compunction to be real, to tell a real account of how a person feels, not a fake mask that we all wear. That feels like it is my purpose in life. It feels like I don’t have much choice like I will tell you that I am such a bad example for a Born Again Christian. My emotional life feels really bad. It feels awful to be in my skin, to tell you the total truth.

  17. amiannLivingMystery

    Which also means that pluto is on your IC. Ok. So it seems to me everything really is about the dynamics of the MC and IC for you. Pluto is all-consuming as a transit especially to a personal planet, coupled with the angle presents radical change and destruction. Death for you is a creative process of letting go, even what we hold most dear, just remember that-creative. The underworld will make sure you leave something behind in exchange for releasing you into the upper world. Be as obsessed as you can about death, its a beautiful thing to kill and be killed. (Figurely hehe)

  18. amiannLivingMystery

    And u will only get worse as an example of a born again Christian, so get used to that one darling Ami. With pluto where it is, what is happening to you is completely at odds with Christianity. Christian use the light as their avenue to Jesus. Pluto or Voidness uses Darkness/withinness as the avenue to Jesus or whatever experience you relate to it. Pluto is completely individual to the point of being divergent from society in thy views. I don’t see any conflict between the light and the dark-light, however it seems like unconsciously that u haven’t come to terms with it as yet.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        C’mon who u fooling here. Knowing that u know Pluto, what is it that is stopping you? You don’t have the time? It doesn’t matter pluto won’t let u off the hook until u do, so why u fighting the letting go process of confrontation with the Dark?

  19. amiannLivingMystery

    Been down that dark road. And now pluto is here for u to re-claim your power. Acceptance here is the only power. That we are weak and small and have a monster in us is inherent. Whether the monster is in us or around us, I’ve accepted both and I challenge both and I bully both. I’ve got the monster working for me now instead of against. Just a little more acceptance of the monster each day and watch how the monster becomes something else entirely. Life is so oxymoronic 🙂

  20. amiannLivingMystery

    Your vertex is conjunct my Chiron. Looks like the purpose here is for me to give healing to your wound. I feel I’ve done that.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Now, I am the vertex and you will be the Chiron. Chiron brings pain to the person lol the vertex and anti vertex work in some interesting ways. I had to find them out for a professional client. That is when I really get going so I can try to do a super job for people. So, I will get much of my new ideas when I do professional charts. She had nessus conj the vertex and that scared her and that was one reason she wanted a chart done, in the first place.

      I found out that what TOUCHES the vertex, OTHER people will bring to you. So, other people would bring her abuse rather than she abusing people. The anti vertex is what YOU bring to the world.

  21. amiannLivingMystery

    Wonderfully said peach thankyou for that. Actually the last five min I thought yes I’ve certainly brought u both healing and a good deal of pain haha. Your god knows you needed it! Lol

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Haha I’ve always healed predominantly by creating a wound first, its the ‘Chaos’ Chiron Sun conjunction. So just look in the wound I’ve created and the cure is there. I kill and cure simultaneously. Now, help me before my eyes close. The Thai lady’s vertex is touched by my Juno and Ceres. Does that mean I’m bringing her motherhood fertility marriage children? I this last three months have felt I would. But also her anti-vertex is touching asteroid Deja. Enlighten me sweet Ami.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          You bring her Juno and Ceres. That is lovely, Daniel!Ok–she brings the victim role to others. This is sad but the charts don’t lie. The vertex is a powerful point though. You may not marry her, per se, as in a literal sense but you will bring this part of yourself to her, I would think.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Actually, you brought me a great deal of healing, Daniel, when you said you could feel my ASC in the 1st decan of Libra. Since then, I have had a kind of coming together of myself. I am gonna write about it. Thank you, Friend! xx

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        No worries will do :-). The relation berween her and me has, even before the arrangements were made in reality, had the aura of marriage and continuance from the long distanced past. Not that I give two hoots about marriage; but there’s no practical way of having her live with me here in Australia without marriage so ill use the idiot institution to my benefit. Side note: bit concerning that a bit of your astrology comes across as absolute statements through an absence of balance of a ‘light’ in everything dark.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Aww If you are thinking of marriage, Daniel, you should put the synastry up in my Forum and we can go over it in detail. I know I seem absolute sometimes. I am open to change. I just do this because SO much of Astrology is wooly. I hated that when I was learning Astrology. I vowed to say things in a simple direct way if I ever was to become an Astrologer. Hence, that is my chosen style but you are right in what you say, Daniel dear.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            I’m happy that u recognize that in yourself dearest peach. Example: I’ve got dark moon lilith on my descendent, so one on one I relate this way. DML is the same energy as Algol, the ‘evil’ star lol. (All good ive got my demons working for me hehe) We differ in styles, and for that I don’t wish to send the synastry of charts. I enjoy the conversation as u do, however the boundaries are revealing themselves for us both :-).

  22. amiannLivingMystery

    Ok then I would say it like this, when your interpreting something Dark in astroland, I feel your reflecting pluto merely in a plutonic way much of the time, only the issue with this is pluto doesn’t excel well at all in the Light/upper domain/upper world. Eris does. She is queen of the lower world and excels wonderfully in the upper world. She is at the frontier of not only human evolution but astro evolution also. Hence she brings a light into everything dark in a way that pluto cannot. She is for me the dark side of Venus in libra decan one and two, the warrior of balance. She is also strong in Aries decan three where my sun resides. This, caught in pluto land, is where your at I feel. I’m very wary of absolute statements, no thankyou!

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Love your directness you naaasty girl. In a nutshell: throw a bit of dark-light in the dark. If its all dark what freaking hope is there for a chart/person. Ill send u a couple of pictures of me. Be wary though I’m hot to trot. And if your any sort of woman you’ll be eating beans in no time hehe.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        No voice sorry. I don’t go that far online. Ill email you my astro details now. After all I’ve got yours young lady. Now leave me alone!…hehehe. Good bloody night PEACH.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Oky doky just sent it to your email. I don’t really connect anymore with mixed up houses. Whole sign works for me. Anyway you do YOUR thing Peach 🙂

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            You’ve the smoothness of Libra and the charm of Gemini. Myyyy that is ALOT of Asteroids to work with. Tell u what ill do my own research, see what asteroids on your list that I connect with, and if I have anything that I need to ask I will. Wish me happy luck 🙂

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Man, right off the bat I see Lilith conj the ASC. This is pure sexiness and raw sensuality in both men and women! Very cool. I have asked every Lilith conj the ASC for whom I have done a chart to send me a pic cuz they are all super sexy looking. This would be the same with Lilith con the MC

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Cappy Moon in the 12th-interesting. You are really shy and afraid to put forth your heart. Was your mother a source of pain for you? Wow Chiron conj the Sun in the 4th. Was you dad a huge source of pain for you? I see you are not having a mother or dad who was there for you. Mars conj Saturn. It is hard to go after what you want. You feel a lot of self doubt. I will let you address those things and will be back, Daniel dear.

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            What is that Walden conj your DSC, Daniel? I thought you would have Pluto in the 9th. You are looking for God. I had that intuition. Actually, my feeling so far is you are far more sensitive than you appear. You are someone who holds in a lot of pain under a cool exterior. I am surprised by the depth of pain in your chart, my Friend.

  23. amiannLivingMystery

    Sortve knocked me a bit with the “mars/saturn-it is hard to go after what I want” thing. Do feel that way. Dads passed a month ago, finally no pain. Cancer. Mum yes a source of pain. She’s lovely but just does long distance her whole life with me. So I’ve estranged her last year as I need intimate connections. So if I’ don’t feel connected to family they simply no longer exist on my path for me, as much as that hurts me and them.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Well, Daniel, I am very surprised by your chart and feel that I can connect with you on a different level because I have seen it. Let me see what else I see?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          You have a great imagination, Daniel. I can see why you talk so poetically–Nep trine mercury.

          Merc oppose Pluto–almost exact in the 9th. You are looking for God and you want to talk about spiritual things. Hence, you find yourself on here but you doubt your ability to communicate. You may doubt your intelligence–Merc sq Saturn.

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            Venus conj Jupiter. I LOVE this. This is big love. I can feel this in you. You make people feel good and feel special! You do it to me! OMG You have an Unaspected Sun. How cool! Chiron does not count with Unaspected planets. Did you know this, D?

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            No, your Sun is opposite Uranus but that is all. I believe there are Semi Unaspected planets. I have some articles on them. They don’t have the strength of the purely Unaspected ones but they are like mini ones. I bet this fits for you. You feel like a star. Many stars have this. They have to work really hard to shine and when they do, they really shine.

            I bet commitment is super scary to you. Your dad may not have been reliable either.

            I will leave this for your consideration and talk after your beauty sleep( not that you need it)

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            Saturn at the 29th degree. You may feel frozen about accepting responsibility. You may feel frozen such that you feel it is hard to mature like you don’t know how.

  24. amiannLivingMystery

    Wow what a sumptuous feast u have given me; a real breakfast in bed delight to knaw at! Oky doky, the lilith symbol that everyone sees is mean lilith at 26.44 d Cap. The other lilith at 29d Cap is true lilith. True lilith is base charkra and mean lilith is third eye. In my case the ascendent works as a threshold point that go down to hell or up to heaven/enlightenment. Coz mean lilith is in the 12th means that the energy naturally goes up to heaven, or the sky. Sky is uranus and and base charkra is pluto/under earth. So naturally my sexual and shadow nature is uranus, revolutionary. /wow your Accurate-yes I doubt very much the ability to speak about spirituality. Feel I’m a writer and a great writer. As for speaking about what I write, just don’t see it as a destiny at all :-(. Commitment and freedom go hand in hand with me, although women can’t stand hearing about freedom and raw truth so I keep that side private. My dad was ultra responsible. Chaos is two degrees conjunct my sun. And dark moon lilith on the descendent is the lesser known lilith. She is the nature of pluto/eris. Whoa that’s alot of writing here Peach. I’m off to work. Thanku for the beautiful surprise breakfast today you’ve made my day. May u rest wonderfully between the sheets all cozy and free X

  25. amiannLivingMystery

    We spoke a little before about the vertex when I was mentioning my Thai lady. Her vertex is conjunct her south node and moon, and my juno and ceres is conjunct her south node/moon. It seems the pivotal synastry in the chart in a positive light. What do u see Peach. And a very good morning too. I hope your day is filled with all you give, and maybe just a little coffee to kick start it 🙂

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You talk so sweetly, Daniel. You brighten up each and every day for me! Thank you. Well, I was thinking about your chart, so let me share some thoughts before we go onto the synastry. When I do charts,professional ones for sure, I live and breathe them. I think about them at night and I get insights. I am doing that with yours, too. I am gonna pull it up, now.

      I guessed you were a Saggi Venus cuz you have an exact conjunction of Pisces Venus and Jupiter, making it a Saggi venus, in essence, too. I think one of your gifts is to shine light on people like you do on here. You make people feel special. You do it in a poetic way tailored to each person. That is the poetry of the Pisces. However, the joyful, playful vibe is the Jupiter in the exact conjunction. It is truly lovely, Daniel! To think, you came on this website to harass me 😀

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      I guess a strong Scorpio but it is the Pluto, as you said. Pluto opposed to mercury will make your mind very deep in a Scorpio kind of way. You would be insightful and perceptive as a natural writer or a shrink. However, the opposition will not be an easy use of your perceptive and a comfortable sense of Pluto to your mind. It will be kind of jarring and hence will really propel you to kind of resolve Plutonic things like emotional and sexual taboos. You will feel that you want to get to the bottom of them. You probably feel driven. However,at times you will have to walk away totally and just be not deep at all. I bet you have many escapes such as the beach or other forms of escape from the depth of your own mind.

      1. amiannamiann Post author

        Ok Now, I remember what I want to tell you, Daniel. You need to find a person who KINDLY touches the painful parts of your chart. You have a few very painful ouchies, shall we say. If a woman can touch these with soft and warm places in your chart, that is what you want. I have a person and my tender spot( Child conj Deja exact) is an exact conjunction to his moon. I adore him. He acts badly, often, but I don’t care. He has always been a warm spot for me. I have firm boundaries now, but I remain attached because of the pure peace that my inner child gets with the exact conjunction to his moon. It feels like my inner child can come out and play and it is OK.

        This is the kind of thing you want, Daniel imo

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          For you, you want a warm, kind planet trine or sextile to that 29 degree Saturn. This is an ouchie for you. If you have someone squaring it, it will hurt. You will feel discouraged. You will feel as if you are not worth much.Your self esteem will suffer. You may feel trapped with negativity. It will be hard. Lets say that her Mars squared that Saturn, she would ride you. Let’s say her Sun squared it, her ego would be too strong on you. Do you see what I mean, Daniel?

      2. amiannamiann Post author

        Now, this is important. Your Lilith opposes your Mars and saturn almost exact. Is sex something that you can get obsessed with in a way that seems like it is running you rather than vice versa i.e do you feel like you have an addiction to sex? I am honest on here. Why lie? Life is filled with masks and that is why people are sick. You can answer me in e mail, if you want but no one knows who you are either, so you could answer here. Whatever you feel more comfortable with, Daniel dear.

    3. amiannamiann Post author

      Your Pluto is a wide square to the Saturn but you talked about dominance/submission sexually. I bet this is part of it where you like dominance and maybe “cruelty”. Now, if we add the Lilith, it fits that you may be obsessed with this. If we add the Moon in the 12th, you may not be able to express pure tenderness that easily. With the cappy moon, it is hard anyway, so I am seeing this part of you emerge. Am I right? xx

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Ok yes I adore Sado/Maco ( I invented the nickname). I go both ways submissive and dominance. I’m not gay but ill enjoy the ladyboy. I’ve always been a fantasy man as well as reality. How about you???? You hit the spot with me needing a partner to compliment my pain/sensitive areas. Ok thai lady has Mars and Jupiter sextile my Saturn. She has Merc and Chiron close trine my Moon. Her Sun 6 degree trine my Moon. As for my Sun/Chiron she pluto opposite, Saturn quin, and Moon sextile my Sun/Chiron. Any thoughts on that?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Well,The problem may be your Pluto OPPOSED to your Sun/Chiron. If it were a trine, that would be different. Pluto is super powerful for calming and wonderful feelings in a trine. YOU trine my Venus with your Pluto. I have had other people do that. That trines my Chiron, too. It feels very calming and strengthening. I think her Pluto there may hurt.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            I think her pluto may hurt too which is how I want it. Her pluto is sandwiched between her lilith corridor, so the hurt will extend into the bedroom too yippy!!!! I’m soo lucky. Thankyou for that Peach, the pain was a very warm welcome. You never answered me!-do you like Sado/Maco? And your right pure tenderness isn’t for me in the bedroom, just doesn’t keep my happy at all. I’m erotic and raw all the way.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            This synastry does look very good. She may not be too abusive to you where it would get bad because HER Deja conjuncts her NN.

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          The Moon sextile that painful place is wonderful. The Pluto will not be. However, one needs tension or the relationship is brother/sister, so one has to consider that with such a hard aspect as a Pluto opposition to such a sensitive point. That point( Chiron/Sun) is the pain with your father. I think it is exact or close. I know someone else with it exact and she was beaten up by the father and really carries a painful wound. Now, her Pluto opposite that could hurt. However, no chart is perfect and there must be hard aspects to even be attracted to the person. How close is the Moon sextile? if it were exact or close, I would feel better as she would have a heart for you and this would mitigate the Pluto opposition. Anyway, those are some thoughts.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Her sextile Moon is under 2d from my Sun and under 5d from my Chiron. /had an x who we double trined exact eachothers venus/pluto. Could not understand why my passion was out of control and making me weak. I got it now as just realized my victim asteroid conjuncted her Sun or near enough. How’s the ownership/integration/boundaries if your emotional life coming along?

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            I don’t understand your last question, Daniel dear. If her moon touches you that tenderly, I think you will be fine—-balanced in all the ways you like, Mon Cheri.

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            I missed that about your Deja conj her Sun. It would have to be 2-3 degrees or less to matter. If it does, you and she will have a very, very interesting relationship. I don’t think it will be easy, per se. I think it will take a great deal of maturity to work, Daniel. This goes for any relationship BUT when deja gets in there and Pluto, things can be super intense. However, if you don’t have Nessus, you should be OK. Nessus/deja relationships seem to heat up like no one’s business but then crash. When they crash, the worst of people seems to come out. This is all just my experience, which is limited, of course. There is very little written on these asteroids. I get my info from doing charts and counseling people.

  26. amiannLivingMystery

    Wow u have given me much energy, I feel as if I am your little obsession for the time been. Thank you for that, I love that u are OBSESSING about me. I too am very much the spy and stalker with my own mind and others mind only I do it in such a way that I don’t get arrested hahahaha. Xxxx. Ok my lilith doesn’t oppose mars, but it aspects my mars very much and yes I am born to write a book on sex and taboos. So yes sex is vital to me, however I am the ‘snake’ charmer as in I’m running the show, well 8 times out of ten anyway. Ill get back about the other messages of yours. Just finishing work and then the gym. You deserve to be told today “I LOVE YOU PEACH”.-the energy you give freely to people such as myself is so very unique. Remember that I do love you and that I have a gift for remembering birthdays, so every birthday of yours will have a few loving AND harassing telepathic thoughts from me hehehe.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Very nice! There does seem to be a very nice mix of things with you guys. What do the Moons do with each other? Do you have a pic of her you could send me?

  27. amiannLivingMystery

    The Deja conjunct Sun was from a prior relationship that also shared hers and my venus/pluto trine eachother, a double dose. The out of control feeling of this relationship still haunts. How’s your emotional life coming along this week-baby steps, stuck, or giant leaps for mankind??

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      YES, Daniel, well said about the out of control feeling. This is classic for Nessus/Deja more than anything else in the charts. Moon/Pluto would be second with the planets bt a wide second. Nessus/Deja calls up all our prior pain and that is why it feels and gets out of control, in my opinion and in my experience. I have lived everything I write about :/

  28. amiannLivingMystery

    Crazy dry heat here in Melbourne ATM Peach. 38d 43 tomorrow then 41, 40, 41. Where are u in the world? U American or UK. Get the feeling your a Pom.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Ahhh no wonder u want to hear my accent. Americans for some reason go crazy for it. How is Miss America fairing today on this lovely day, well night for me its midnight here.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Ohhh, I love how you talk. You would drive a venus in Gemini girl crazy. Your woman will have to have Venus in Gemini or it will be all wasted :/ Well, I would love to hear your accent. That would be lovely but it is cool if you don’t want to. In return, I would sing for you. I am working on being a professional background singer.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            A background singer hey-all you geminis love being in background. Can just see u now singing in your leather and lace. Go Peach go! “Biblea”- what an ancient name :p!!! And yes I drove mad the last girlfriend with Venus in Gem. And this thai girl has the same aspect, so interesting times ahead.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Well, Daniel. I have found, as a Venus in Gemini, that men can talk or they can’t. You can’t make one have it if he already don’t come with it 😀

  29. amiannLivingMystery

    Everytime I check out a few articles on your website I find myself always sticking up for the Dark. To me something essential is missing from the Dark in, well, a shitload of what u write. It’s like you haven’t come full circle within and without the ways of the underworld. It feels like your speaking about the Dark from the ways of the Light. I would say your avenue or path of life love etc is light driven. One who is like me however, whose ways are primarily driven through the Dark cannot support the religions, has moved on from the word god or Jesus or new-age wish wash. Those ways are for transcendence, which is all good except for the fact that the underworld is Immanence. How about highlighting the positive side of the Dark and the negative side of the light a bit more. I’m getting at the end of being here for you. If something doesn’t switch soon I think my services will be required elsewhere.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        The path of the Jesus and god are the ways of transcendence, the upper world, the light/spirit. Spirit needs a father a mother a god a buddha a jesus. It’s more a out of your body experience. It takes you out. The underworld/Dark/void goes completely within ones individuality, ones Soul is the godfulness. No god Buddha Jesus or Christ is needed. There’s just you, you are the highest the lowest the deepest. You alone. This is Immanence, this is embodiment, this is pure Soul, the Soul in which has gone beyond Salvation, beyond Enlightenment to the point that Spirit is really only required for the Soul to merge with, but through the Souls way only, not the Spirit. Your Spirit is fucking around with your Soul. I can see this. You’ve got some letting go to do before you come to understand someone like me miss peach.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I do Kundalini yoga. I studied to be an acupuncture physician. These deal with the realm outside of this material one. I understand what you are saying that you exist outside of time. All of our spirits do, actually. I just don’t agree with your final conclusion.

  30. amiannLivingMystery

    Haha…Nup doesn’t work that way. Complete understanding of ME means bye bye to the whole born again thing at the very very least. My darling peach we have this time come to the end of our short but appreciated experience of sharing eachother. It’s being a juicy time (:-))), a loving time, a beauuuutiful time. I must sojourn on to where I’m needed. Take care and so long Friend mmwah!

  31. amiannLivingMystery

    My delicate little peach if u want to know something about me, I tend to respond to fate/karma and goodbyes with a goodbye rather than with a thank you. Turning things on their head and into reverse keeps fate on its toes. Plus who wants to be at the mercy waiting for it to work for you. I hate waiting hey. Lets see what it can do to one who doesn’t play by its rules. With that said I will tell you of my trip to Thailand. After day three I was ready to throw the girl I was planned to meet, through a window. Ungrateful jerk as obviously blind to the silver service she was getting and decided to not put out. Apparently the long love making sessions and sweating orgasms she experienced on day one and two made her fridget. From there it all collapsed into some unconscious fetish of hers wanting to be dominated and controlled by trying to do the same to me. In short she wanted abuse by abusing her holiday priveldges. Maybe u were right about Deja/north node. Sedna on her DC didnt help. If I was more plutonic then yeah ok let’s smack her up, but with a masters in Uranian energy, my soul cried FREEDOM from this repressed jerk before I murder her haha. The rest of the trip was paradise with the allotted women who adored my company and spread the canvas at my will. /side note: the evocative pictures on your website it seems just a ploy to grab a certain type of audience. I’ve tested u on your sexual nature and these pictures just don’t reflect u at all. And then I remember that they do as I’d have u in handcuffs by the third night at the very latest. Then you’d be “losing my religion” as the song goes. :-))

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Oh My Goodness. Before I alter that, let me say, it was a work of art! I have missed you a lot. There is no one like you and your sweeter than honey mouth 😀

  32. amiannLivingMystery

    To the one with the real sweeter than honey mouth, I hope my presence today has given u that extra spark and kick out of life. What is your name again. Hang on for a tick. Amiaan! Weird name. Amy might be easier. Peach is perfect. Got to edit and bind my second book to completion. Once its done i want to set up a website while writing the third book which finishes the trilogy. Ive got my audience already in mind. Do like how you’ve set up your website. It will give me some good ideas. Reckon when your over your fourth house issues, you yourself may just have a book in you to write.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I am so excited about your website! How cool. I will help support it in any way I can. I have learned valuable things in 2 years. We will have fun talking about it, if you want!

      PS I love when you call me Peach 😀

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Thankyou for support. Great thing about your own website is you get to bypass all the gatekeepers. You can just be yourself from beginning to end with your own product. So hats off to u there. Enjoy the day darling X

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Aww Yes, the beauty of your own website is your own self expression. For a Gemini, one can’t be happy without authentic self expression and also meeting great people like you <3

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Maybe u r a bit of an exception to the rule as a Gemini. In my experience their authentic expression seems to stop short of ugly truth. So whats news Peach? How’s your relationships with your audience coming along? And do u switch off for some alone time, or is your very core always on public display? Just trying to get a feel for how you and miss fourth house gel 🙂

          2. amiannLivingMystery

            How’s things with you Peach? Being on full display with the public with your moon placement, can I ask then how you use the fourth house for any relative issues surrounding that house? Is it all public or do you hold a private place? I would hate to think that u don’t keep some things private.

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            You are my little joy juice for the day 😀

            Well, I have Moon square the ASC, so in my regular life I am not as open. It is hard to find the balance between being private and having one’s dignity and boundaries and being authentic. In my career and on here(the MC), it seems much easier to find that balance.

  33. amiannLivingMystery

    You know I’ve got to credit u with your astrology: its both pointed and poignant. I relate very much to that part and that is what has attracted me back to you :-). Don’t get me wrong though, on the other hand I still see it as extremely lopsided. However as much as I’m here to bring huge cataclysmic change in people we both know that part of things is like beating a dead horse. Ok was just thinking and I relate very well to your way of seeing what another persons planet bring to the north node and vertex especially. My last two enduring relationships chiron figured prominently. One where chiron was brought to me and the other relationship where I brought chiron to her. These were essential relationships for me as I also brought lilith and eris to their vertex and north node. My point is, no matter how many times I reflect on these two relationships and as much as my imaginative fantasy plays out any togetherness, I come back to the knowingness that chiron as PAIN is fated to destroy it. You wrote something about chiron relationships not lasting. Think you might be right onto something. Any thoughts?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you for those lovely words, LM. I know it was hard for you :/

      Well, a strong Chiron relationship seems BASED on pain. The joy of finding someone who understands your pain is a relief and a huge comfort. You feel you found paradise. This can be in any relationship-friends, lovers etc. You feel this person will be with you forever. However, what brought you together seems to be your undoing in that one day both people’s pain just hits wrong and one person( usually) can’t take it anymore and leaves. The other may try to get him back but it was like it was a mortal wound and it never can come back. Also, neither person is at fault. The pain cores were at fault, if you want to call it “fault” xxx

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        “Neither was at fault”. Beautifully put! It can take some time to see that. The breaking point for her was I just wanted a little companionship and she wanted the commitment game. I picture that u have a cosy homely office from which u work at. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a cushioned couch was where u conducted business.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          The thing about no one’s fault seems to be repeated in every Chiron relationship fail I have ever had and I have had a lot! Also, the break up was over something that should have been minor. The last break up, which was with a platonic guy friend, was because I set a boundary because I was not allowed to have boundaries in my family. He felt like I was trying to shut him up because he was not allowed to have a voice in his family. I am usually the one who tries to get the person back because I can see that it was silly, really. I have never gotten a person back, though. Once it breaks, it breaks. The exception can be Chiron conj the NN. Then, there is pain for the entire life lol

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Thanks for your intimacy, it seems your stand out niche on your site. Begs the question has any man matched the depth of the intimacy of your soul-expression? Yes the break between two for me is the same. It seems the “break” is its own phenomenon that cannot be pieced together again. At forty years I just let the past be it now despite my fantasies. Mmm…u got me thinking about my north node which is on fixed star Ras Algahue the medicine man-he was called a snake charmer, the snake being lilith and the charmer being chiron. Kind’ve makes me think of the pain of it all hehe.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Has any men touched the depth of my intimacy? I don’t know. I think *I* have not touched the depth of myself, so I would not be able to share it lol

            As far as Fixed Stars, they seem to be categorized into 3 groups–good, bad and conditional. The conditional is based on one’s integrity. If one acts with integrity, one will rise. If one does not, one will fall very, very badly. I have two of these. One is Betelguese in exact conjunction with Sun and Aldebaran on exact conjunction with my Venus. The Fixed Star orb is not more than 2 degrees.

            I could have really, really fallen in a case of a man( Venus) Only God saved me and it was purely God. God ruined some plans. Once that happened, I had time to wise up and realize that I would have ruined my life if I did what I was going to do. That is a perfect example of a conditional Fixed Star.

            JFK had Aldebaran conjunct his Sun. He was given riches, honor and prestige. He was very profligate in his life and came to an untimely and terrible end. I am NOT saying he deserved it, etc. I am just saying that these Fixed stars must be respected because they will play out.

            Tell me more of the nature of yours. Also, you should check your Europa. That shows where you will have great ease and charm. Also, check your Moira. That shows fate. I have recent articles on there, LM

  34. amiannLivingMystery

    Ok so ill tell u a little about the thai lady I hit it off straight away with on my holiday. U know that comfortable silence u immediately feel between eachother. So that set the tone. Seemed the other astrologer Marina at Darkstar was right about the pay back from a past life connection which I won’t go into coz u being a bored again Christian prob have no awareness of multiple life’s :p. anyways some good chart synastry going on with the angles helped a good deal with the connection she and I had. Do u still have sex? Something tells me u just get off through the mind these days and not the body.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Nothing I have with women seems to last. My north node fixed star says “misfortune through women”. Starting to believe it. Who knows if she and I will last. I’m eternally drawn to polygamy and monogamy, meaning that I do what I want as long as the primary relationship comes first. I do have Artemis/Diana on venus and my north node so I’m picky as when it comes to mating. Thus if love doesn’t work out we kind’ve leave eachother alone for some time. You dating?

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            The girl in Thailand ill keep holidaying for as long as it lasts or maybe a miracle may happen and ill bring her here to Australia. Big committment though. Ill see if she’s into kinky sex before I contemplate that as having sex with one woman for the rest of my life is suicide for me. If she’s into other women, means I don’t have to go around to whores. She and i just click, great sense of humor. More women should get one if they’re looking for quality member like mine. As for asteroid Diana I find her nature to be dualistic and very paradoxical and even oxymoronic. Example: I love innocence, but can’t stand to have any children. I wouldn’t kill an ant if u paid me a million dollars, yet I would kill an ant on my terms. I love monogamous sex as long as I’m free to be polygamous. I protect my lover fiercely from harm as long as she protects herself.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          It seems like most women would not like the pologamy thing because when you love a man, you can’t share. It is deep inside a woman. I know some people do it but I think it goes against human nature which is monogamous, by nature. That is my opinion, anyway.

  35. amiannLivingMystery

    Moira is prominent with me it conjuncts my DC 1.5 degree. And Europa Echo and atropos conjuncts my moon a degree whoa thats Dark stuff for my moon. Thoughts? Tell u about my fixed stars, well I got some goodies in late Gemini like u, I got algorab the baddie on Mc and the conditionals I don’t know. I would have to study your site more darling.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, that is a lot for your Moon. Tell me how close each are. Degrees are very, very crucial for asteroids. Some people only accept exact degrees. That is how small an orb there can be.

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Monogamous is great as long as its not enforced and not conditional. I do both, wherever life itself leads to is where i go. Get with the times Peach, although at your age monogamy is perfect. Remember im a fantasy man i live them out. Perfectly natural. Echo is one minute from moon. Europa and atropos 1.5 degree to be exact. Any last words before I hit the hay?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Yes, monogamy is my thang :/ Well, echo being that close is very hard. I think it must feel as if you are kind of amorphous, as if you don’t exist if another person does not reflect you. I have many articles on Echo because I have it conj Saturn and hence am obsessed with it i.e finding my authentic voice. What do you think, LM?

        2. amiannamiann Post author

          Europa is a natural glamor and an ease, so it is a gifted placement like you were made to shine. I have not used Atropos enough to say how it functions. Do you know?

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      Moira conj the DSC may be the situation that your fate is dependent on a partner. What touches the DSC, we tend to cast off in ourselves and look for in another. I wonder if you really, really want a partner and a one and only partner. This seems to be what you are saying, behind your words xx

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          I am always totally honest. That is my commitment to my very valued website friends. I cannot see the quality type of woman you want putting up with that, LM.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            That’s why I don’t tell her. Its my business. Women can’t handle the truth when it comes to love. I’m only telling u coz I’m not boinking u haha. Hey my moira conjuncts my thai girls moon and her moira conjuncts my IC. Pretty wow there hey. Goodnight Peach.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            You know, LM, I was in my kitchen making guacamole. It hit me that a big part of your struggles is your Chiron. I think it conjuncts something big. I think I have your chart in my data bank. I will be honest. How do you expect a quality relationship with a female if you are going to lie about having sexual relationships. It can’t happen imo. I suppose it may, in some isolated instances but it would be super rare. If it did happen, I don’t think she would be the quality of woman you would want. I am feeling that one of the answers lies in your Chiron. When things hit me out of the blue, they usually turn out to be something that will help someone. I will check it out.

          3. amiannLivingMystery

            That’s y I don’t tell the truth in love. I lie (non-deceptive lying) because women can’t handle the truth about sex and men. They keep living in their utopia dream world. I’m Prince Charming but I’m flipping taboo too. Hey delightful Peach we’ll pick this up over the next few days and ill answer the rest of your thoughtful questions . Love Dan

  36. amiannLivingMystery

    Gota read closely to what I’m saying Peach. My whole approach to life is oxymoronic, so when I say I non-deceptively lie I’m simply saying that I agree to play the game of fiction that is love for if I tell the truth all the time then love dies. On the other side of the coin if my darling partner asks for the truth she gets it in spades. No one owns me or my sexuality. I’m loyal to myself first. There’s a time for one partner and there’s a time to dally with others, hopefully together if not then alone. As for echo I don’t know about it. Chiron is conjunct my sun, so pain to me is an essential core of my make up, and it conjuncts Sado so I get off on it. I’m a poet!! Ha. U said u havent touched the depths of yourself intimately to tell me if a man has matched your souls self-expression. That saddens me a little for u Peach. For me I haven’t found a woman who has touched my soul to the depths that I go. I have venus/Jupiter/eros conjuncting so my loving soul matched with my awareness is something women fall short on. Not the loving part but the awareness part, like yourself, you radiate love, but your awareness is a little off.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Of course u think I’m closed. Only when my books have been read will I get the respect. People need to see my status before they get it. And only then a small percentage get it.

  37. amiannLivingMystery

    Love how u put that last comment Peach, very good. However I simply see no conflict between the dream monogamy love and polygamy love. As u say deep inside a woman monogamy is her dream. But deep inside a man polygamy is his dream. At some stage both man and woman has to come to terms with this. Man has only compromised to get pussy. Man doesn’t need to do that anymore. He can finally be himself and find and do what he wants along with living also the dream of monogamy.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Just Wow, Dan 😀 ( I use this icon because the : P one looks like a leering pervert )
      I want to ask you a question since we are very honest and that is rare and beautiful imo
      Do you smoke a lot of pot? I don’t ask in a demeaning way. I ask because I studied to be an acupuncture doctor and I feel that your yin/yang balance is way to the yin end and pot will do that

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Hahahaha….I’m as balanced as a tightrope artist walking across a high mountain. My drug days r long gone little miss peach. But u r onto the yin energy…actually its dark goddess energy for me to be exact. We make eachother laugh haha!

  38. amiannLivingMystery

    I’ve been reading a bit on the eastern world goddess Kaali over the last month. To me Eris is clearly the western world example of Kaali. My Kaali sits a little over one degree from your vertex. Seems ive been giving you a front row seat to Kaali energy. You are most welcome hehe.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I don’t understand your points about Eris and Kaali. To me, Kaali is Kundalini energy. It is the energy used in acupuncture. When you do acupuncture, you work on the energy body which is very real. That is why they can do surgery with acupuncture needles.
      The aura is the emanation of this energy.

      To me, Eris is a stirring up kind of antagonistic energy. You and I differ on this. Eris can fight for a cause in an Aries way but the energy is disruptive and annoying, too. That is Eris, to me, but Eris and Kaali are very different, as far as I see it.

      If you Kaali is conj my Vertex, you are gonna lay yourself open to me, figuratively 😀

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        You are exiling eris, not giving her her due respect. Thus she comes down hard for the kill, bloodthirsty. She is a war. She’ll take down anyone who dares cross her, just like she did pluto. Eris is a planet, she’s no pissy asteroid. I cannot talk about Eris without fusing lilith into the conversation. Eris is the higher octave of lilith. Lilith is sex the primal base charkras. But using only one lilith in the chart as many people do is merely one dimensional thinking. Mean lilith (the most popular lilith) is the third eye/soul/spiritual lilith and true lilith is the genitals. So what you get with this lilith corridor is energy rising up from the base to the forehead fusing sex with soul. I should know I have both these lilith’s conjuncting my ascendent. Eris takes it further than lilith. She carries all the lilith energy which resonates on a more personal level and transforms the personal into what is ultra personal. Kind’ve like the sexual soul merging with the entire spiritual orgasm of godfulness itself. Where as lilith relates personably, sexually and seductively, eris uses the sexual energy of lilith to fight wars and be the disruptive outlaw type. And when she’s done fighting and rejoicing over the creative destruction, she settles the score with any remaining bloodlust in the bedroom, as one her favorite pastimes is being a sacred whore, just like me!

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            No! Your very stubborn. I live and breathe Eris. And I’m taking her to the next step by having her on the surface and out in the sun through most of my next book. Eris too close to the surface is very risky and painful for others. That’s why she works behind the scenes, but I’m going to change that. I have to change. Too many people have built some steel walls around themselves. I need to smash them walls. Granted youve only got brick walls around u but a wall is a wall after all.

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Well, bottom line, Dan, I love having you here. You feel like a burst of lovely Jupiter, so we will have to enjoy the differences of each other. I can do that 😀

  39. amiannLivingMystery

    I will give u another lesson on eris energy in about 30min. Walking the dog ATM. Always said you’ve got only half a brain when it comes to eris.

  40. amiannLivingMystery

    G’day Peaches and cream hehe. I remember a while back that u said that u give weight to asteroids in opposition not just conjunct. Just want to get my head around her Juno which is half a degree off my MC. In your world the IC and Juno would also tell a story yes?

  41. amiannLivingMystery

    Ok Peach send me a couple of photos and the birth details of the woman/women u have in mind for me and ill take it from there. I won’t be looking at committment until after Feb 2015. They have to live in Melbourne. Cheers

      1. amiannLivingMystery

        Lol Hahahaha. When it comes to women I no longer care to understand. I simply do what I want and if the woman wants the same or similar then we have an understanding. But thankyou darling Peach. You help wonderfully through the charts.

          1. amiannLivingMystery

            Xxxxx. I did a thorough check on my darling Thai girl’s and my vertex/north node. She brings Amor/Diana to my Vertex and Lilith to my NN. I bring valentine to her vertex and Isis/Circe to her NN. Goodnight X

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            Those are lovely placements, Dan. I still don’t have a feel for Diana but she will bring love to you( amor). She will bring raw sexuality to you( Lilith conj the NN) You will bring her sacrificial love and true devotion. You will bring her magic, too. Can’t get much better than these, my Friend!

  42. amiannMimi

    I have Eris exactly conjunct my Saturn. They’re both in 19 degrees Aries. Does that mean I will refrain from annoying people? Or causing trouble in situations? If so, that makes me such a boring person.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Eris stirs up stuff, shall we say. I think it is super annoying like a child who is bugging you at the check out counter for gum. You may give it to him just to shut him up. Do you feel you have this energy, Mimi?

      1. amiannMimi

        My mom finds me annoying but I don’t mean to be annoying. Idk if it because of Eris tho. But with people who are really close to me, sometimes I annoy them without intending to. I think it’s just in my nature. I noticed that whatever I have in my first house or conjunct my saturn, it only plays out when I’m with my closed ones or family, because with strangers, I have social anxiety so I don’t speak to them. At school or anywhere like that, I never engage with anyone. I become the opposite of what is conjunct my saturn, for example, I have Eris and medusa conjunct my saturn, so outside with strangers, I become a boring person and instead of older woman vein jealous of me, they call me ‘cute’ or something like that. And when I’m with my family I can express my Eris and medusa. It’s strange.

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