Chiron is a wild card like a Mobius strip. I have mined some of Chiron’s wealth, simply by doing charts and picking brains. Being a Gemini helps because we are endlessly inquisitive. However, I don’t think I have seen Moon/Chiron…
Sadism–Asteroid Sado
I had quite a shock when I found that my mother’s Moon was conjunct the Asteroid Sado—-exact. It kind of made me freeze for a few weeks. I have unfrozen enough to talk about it. I did not talk to…
10 ways to recognize God’s power in times of trouble
The Bible verse Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.” When we face difficulties in our life that would make it seem as if we are on a ship being tossed upon a stormy sea, how…
Peaches Geldof–Natal Chart and Transits
We do not have a time of birth. I set it to 12 Midnight because I don’t like to work with a chart with no houses. These Houses are not accurate but the planets are, for the most part. The…
Finding the You of You and Letting it Out
I write this because of developments in my own life. I have made peace with my father and mother. I see that it all comes down to the me of me and letting it out. Easier said than done, I…
Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)–Part Ten–The Ascendent
The Ascendent can be hard to grasp. I struggled for a long time before I really understood it. I read the traditional explanations such as it is the car you drive and the style of glasses you wear. One…
Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)–Part Nine–The House of the Sun
The Sun is the most essential planet. That is why we can identify people JUST by their Sun Signs. If there is a planet which is the “you of you”, it is the Sun. Most people know their Sun Sign…
Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)–Part Eight–Saturn’s House
I really want these articles to give you something positive. I want you to find easy and fun ways to understand your chart and hence, yourselves. The House of Saturn is more confusing than the House of Chiron. Chiron is…
Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part Seven–Planets in Exaltation
The Exaltation placement is not as strong as the Home(Domicile) in my opinion. One could say that the Exaltation is one’s summer home and the Domicile is one’s original home. One is always more comfortable in one’s usual surroundings. One…
How To Send a Malignant Narcissist Running For The Hills
You all know my encounters with the Malignant Narcissist I have mentioned for a year or more, on here. Well, I sent her running and it was a glorious day. My theory paid off. You have to pull off the…