I am here to serve the people who read my website.I am blessed to have every reader to my website and I appreciate your spending your valuable time. I feel led to try to combine aspects rather than write about…
By Request–Cars for the Venus Signs
These are just a start. If you can come up with something better, I will nix mine except for Scorpio Aries—Baby stroller Taurus–Truck with a flat bed for hauling cabbage Gemini—– Cancer—- Crown Vic Ford Sedan with 4 doors, so…
How To Keep Yourself Safe From a Predator?
I will say something you won’t like. Many times, the shrewdest person cannot see through a predator. I had an employee who turned out to be a sociopath. I could never have seen it coming, not in a million years.She…
Venus in Gemini School For Man Chasing
I enroll many of my clients in my unofficial Venus in Gemini School For Man Chasing. I am a natural. What can I say? We all have different gifts 😀 I grew up under the wise tutelage of a Venus…
What Do I Do?——Contraditictions in the Natal Chart
As I seek to deepen my understanding of Astrology, I seem to have a red flag waving at me. The red flag is about contradictions in the natal chart. Just today, someone showed me a chart with great strength of…
Tips for Seeing the WHOLE Person From the Natal Chart
The degree to which an Astrologer can made a 3D person from a 2D chart, is the degree of skill of that Astrologer. I am a humble student of four years. My ongoing goal is to make the chart become…
When You Still Love Someone Who Treats You Like Dirt
Do I have the best titles or what? I don’t think I have ever brought up a topic to which someone cannot relate. I bring up things which trouble me. I bring up things which lay heavy on my heart.…
The Unique Yearning of Planets Conjunct the Descendent
I must look at 50 charts a week. I have to see a pattern long enough to formulate a working theory on it. My theories are based on the experience of my clients, my Forum members or the people at…
How I Can Tell the Difference Between Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Scorpio in a Guy?
My life is my laboratory and I am the mad doctor 😀 I had a fascinating conversation with a very sexy guy, yesterday. I could feel that Scorpio under the surface like one might see a bit of lace peek…
Ten More Foods and Activities for Beauty, Mood, and Relaxation
*Organic White Tea—–This provides natural flouride to your teeth. It does not stain your teeth, as does green and black tea. Salads with every color on them—–put as many of the colors of the rainbow as you can Beets, tomatoes…